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Off Topic => General Interest => Debate => Topic started by: alice on February 04, 2004, 08:56:42 PM

Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: alice on February 04, 2004, 08:56:42 PM
Just vote for the one you are.  If you don't want to post, don't but this is a debate to see which is "Politically correct".
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 04, 2004, 08:57:52 PM
Hey Garrett, what about the Jobless party?
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Zircon on February 05, 2004, 11:06:53 AM
democracy [dı'mɒkrəsı]
(plural:  -cies)
1  government by the people or their elected representatives
2  a political or social unit governed ultimately by all its members
3  the practice or spirit of social equality
4  a social condition of classlessness and equality
5  the common people, esp. as a political force

republic [rı'pʌblık]
1  a form of government in which the people or their elected representatives possess the supreme power
2  a political or national unit possessing such a form of government
3  a constitutional form in which the head of state is an elected or nominated president
4  any community or group that resembles a political republic in that its members or elements exhibit a general equality, shared interests, etc
example: the republic of letters

Have i misunderstood or aren't these clarifications correct...

Also noted in the iraq war thread, what in earths name does democracy have to do with communists, the difference is like i dunno an elephant and a mouse ?

Sweden doesn't have a president but they have a very close thing called the state minister (doesn't have the power of a president though)(translation may be incorrect)
Sweden is currently governed by a Social Democratic Party which it has had for a long while... (take the description with a bit of salt though) That is if the description above is correct...
Dont get number three and four misinterpreted though as it isnt a perfect picture of real life...
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Oprime on February 05, 2004, 12:50:18 PM
Sorry People but I try to stay out of politics  
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: plymoth45 on February 05, 2004, 01:51:40 PM
so do i, but from wht i hear, bush is a better choice over the other guys.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 05, 2004, 06:24:18 PM
http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=502&st=20&#entry13677 (http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=502&st=20&#entry13677)
That's the politcal chart, and for those who don't know

Anarchist - One who dosen't want any goverment at all
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Betaray on February 05, 2004, 06:41:24 PM
well anarchy wouldnt be good, for right now anyway

btw I am pro bush, pro war pro space, and im republican

anyone with a sliver of intellegence can see that the democrats are lying through their teeth, get rid of poverty, camon weve had poverty since humanidy began, why should we think that with that dude as president he would get rid of it all

the democrats had their chance with clinton, and they blew it, clinton didnt do any thing significant, and I beleave the entire democratic party is the party of stagnation, because all they want to do is preocupy themselvs trying to get rid of somthing that humanidy has always had and always will

thats why we need a president of action, a president that will lead America the right way, and Bush is currently doing it, and doing very well i might add
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: plymoth45 on February 06, 2004, 09:27:53 AM
well, i don't agree with some of the things bush has done, but, i too think he is doing a better job then clinton. any way.......

I think we should go to space, cause then there wouldn't be over population probs as there are right now. I don't know why u would the prospace beta.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 07, 2004, 11:02:59 PM
Well the one thing the demos want is redistribution of wealth.....that's not fair.

Why should the goverment take your hard earned money and give it to someone else(possibly less fortunate, possiblly lazy [like me]), that should be your decision for philanthropy, or charity.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: OP2Patriot on February 08, 2004, 11:09:20 AM
I am a conservative first, and a republican second.

Here is what I should think be done.

Education: Privatize it. Give parents choice which schools their children go to. With schools commercialized, there will be competition between schools to provide better education, unlike how the government is doing things.

Guns: Everyone should own one. Now what dumb criminal would rob a house, if he knew the person in it had a gun. Criminals prefer unarmed victims. Even if, let's say 1/10 good citizens always carried a gun with them, a lot of bank robberies and hold ups would be put down immediately. Guns are only a means to kill, they don't actually kill people. Were you to own a gun, that does not make you a cold-hearted person that is going to murder someone.

Defense: We need to protect America, by increasing the size of the military and eliminate all signs of all terrorists that have the means, or are in the process of getting the means that could hurt Americans.

Welfare: Eliminate it! America is the land of oppertunity, and if you can apply yourself, YOU WILL SUCCEED.

Immigration: We need tougher screening on immigrants. What we have currently is a joke. We have too many people living illegally in the US, and who knows which ones are terrorists?

Taxes: Less taxes. As statistics show, when Reagen had cut taxes in the 80s, income went up. Tax cuts free up more money for the people who have it (which is a lot of Americans) so that it can be spent and invested in the economy. The more invested, the richer people get.

The role of government: The role of the federal government should be restricted to justice, defense, and support of the nation's infastructure, such as roads, for example.

Socialism itself was only meant to be a transition phase from Capitalism to Communism, not an ideology. It does not work. Socialist and communist countries such the wealth of the country dry, making the country very poor. Capitalistic countries (USA does not count, because of welfare and other programs) have their nations wealth increase by not having a lot of taxes, and encouraging capitalistic development, which in the end, makes everyone richer.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: BlackBox on February 08, 2004, 11:27:00 AM
Well, I think that education should still be federally controlled...
If it becomes a bunch of companies that will not become good (might it become like healthcare? Health insurance is in a state of ruins)

I am anti gun control, I agree with Phil that people should own guns.

As far as terrorism goes, we are making way too big a deal of it... I think we should only do what is needed to prevent terrorism. In Sept. 11th the overall cause of the problem was that the terrorists could get into the cockpit. A smaller concern is they could bring bombs. Well, pass them thru an explosives detection, and make it less obvious to the person that they are being scanned!!

This country has to stop being like, "Okay kiddies, now drink some of that 2 liter to prove it isn't poison."

I saw a story on the news about some woman who was forced to drink her own breast milk that she had in a bottle because the narrowminded idiots at the airport believed it was some sort of toxin.

This Homeland Security crap and the "Patriot Act" is way too far across the line. We can't have the government looking at everything we do, they have to go back and read the basis of their own government, the US Constitution which mentions things such as the right to free speech and right to privacy.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: plymoth45 on February 08, 2004, 12:19:43 PM
everything you guys have said i agree with, just one thing, which gun would be better to have? A 30-06 or a 22?
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Zircon on February 09, 2004, 04:17:46 AM
OP2Patriot Welfare: Eliminate it! America is the land of oppertunity, and if you can apply yourself, YOU WILL SUCCEED.

[Imaginary Situation]
You come from a family that has been doing ok in life, they've got money but they're not rich...
You have an education and you have gotten yourself a job and apartment...

As being newly hired you dont have the full salary but you get your personal economy to go around plus having that little extra...

Now for some reason you get lets say, one of the several million diseases that exist in this world, a lung disease or cancer perhaps...

You are taken into the hospital where they tell you that they can fix you up but treatment can take from 6 months up to a year...

They also add that this will drain your fatigue and as a result you wont be able the work and the treatment is really expensive...

(this due to the missing welfare)

A month passes, all your savings are gone the apartment is for sale your parents have helped with the money they can offer...

More time passes and you're slowly getting better, the insurance company is the only thing which kept you in the hospital, this ends here too and the bank doesn't want to loan you money...

As said there is no welfare which would have continued to treat you because "Why should the goverment take your hard earned money and give it to someone else(possibly less fortunate, possiblly lazy [like me]), that should be your decision for philanthropy, or charity. " and "Welfare: Eliminate it! America is the land of oppertunity, and if you can apply yourself, YOU WILL SUCCEED."

You are forced out of the hospital and you will eventually end up as a decomposing body in the back alley somewhere as the disease takes hold again...

Step aside and let those who can better "apply yourself, YOU WILL SUCCEED"
Only the strongest/richest survive...


"Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets."
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 09, 2004, 07:03:44 AM
I am a conservative first, and a republican second.

Here is what I should think be done..... (see up)
Finally someone with some common sense!

I think the 2nd Amendment (right to carry a firearm) is better than the 1st (freedom of speech), cuz you can say whatever you want when you got a gun....and besides, guns don't kill people, bullets do!


Comon, should we really be helping the manatee, I mean it eats like 30 lbs. of food a day, then it's too stupid to avoid sharp rapidly spinnning blades of motor boats...I mean, if god wants it to survive, well wouldn't he make it adapt?
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: alice on February 09, 2004, 07:07:49 AM
I completely agree.

The democrats have been screwing up our country!

8 years of Clinton have put us in a recession!!
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 09, 2004, 07:25:29 AM
AND THEN the Democrats blame it on Bush!?!?
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: alice on February 09, 2004, 01:24:52 PM
Arg. Stupid Comunists. I mean Socialists. I mean democrats..  Ooh. Sorry. I mean "liberalists". lol :D
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: CK9 on February 09, 2004, 03:36:32 PM
Just remember what George Washington said:

Political parties will tear the people apart

and so far he's right
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Luweeg64 on February 19, 2004, 07:44:50 AM
soooo i fail to see the point, to unite the people we just have to umm liquidate all the democrats
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: plymoth45 on February 19, 2004, 09:29:38 AM
watch it, or i might have to liquidate you.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: OP2Patriot on February 19, 2004, 10:16:06 AM
Luweeg, if the Dems could be liquidated, it'd happen. The sad thing is that they have a sickening control over schools, from elementary to college, and the media. Not many movies are made with a conservative world view. (Those that do have one, do tend to sell better!) I would be one for infiltrating the media and schools, and getting conservatism back as the dominate force in those institutions.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: zeritou on February 27, 2004, 05:07:11 PM
why dont we just conqure tasmania, and put it under an "outpost fan" party rul then after we beef up the defense, we conqure australia, then nuke the rest o the world cause its to hard to take over
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: plymoth45 on February 27, 2004, 07:18:33 PM
you have lost it, and ur right about that patriot, I also read somewhere, i think the proto-type home page for HVK, and there are some good morals on the homepage, about we look at personality, cause you can trian a person to fight, but you can't train them to have a good personalty.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Sirbomber on May 09, 2004, 07:43:48 AM
I'd post something but EVERYONE would regret it.  :angry:

Oh, and George Washington might have said that "political parties will tear the people apart," but he was only Alexander Hamilton's "puppet," so to speak. So he was just saying somebody else's words for them.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Phantom on May 10, 2004, 11:08:55 AM
Sweden doesn't have a president but they have a very close thing called the state minister (doesn't have the power of a president though)(translation may be incorrect)
Sweden is currently governed by a Social Democratic Party which it has had for a long while... (take the description with a bit of salt though) That is if the description above is correct...
Dont get number three and four misinterpreted though as it isnt a perfect picture of real life...

From What I understand, sweden has a very high income tax. This is caused by a very high welfare cost.

the democrats had their chance with clinton, and they blew it, clinton didnt do any thing significant, and I beleave the entire democratic party is the party of stagnation, because all they want to do is preocupy themselvs trying to get rid of somthing that humanidy has always had and always will

Well, he did make the protection of marrage act. But that’s about it. He also gave up and pulled out of Somalia (Black Hawk Down). I tell you, if he wasn’t so concerned about how he would stand up to the media (which is liberal bias (except Fox News)) we would have won easily. Same with Vietnam. If we had followed MacAurther’s advice to attack into China (Who was supporting North Korea) then we would have won the Korean War, and the Veitnam was would never have happened.

thats why we need a president of action, a president that will lead America the right way, and Bush is currently doing it, and doing very well i might add

He is really the only president who has taken action on terrorism issues (Which is a real issue, Israel has to deal with it every day).

Well the one thing the demos want is redistribution of wealth.....that's not fair.

No it is not, you should be able to keep what you’ve earned, no matter what your paycheck is.

Why should the goverment take your hard earned money and give it to someone else(possibly less fortunate, possiblly lazy [like me]), that should be your decision for philanthropy, or charity.

Yes it should, and Zicron, people would just not be dying in the streets, they weren’t before we had welfare, and they wouldn’t be now.

Education: Privatize it. Give parents choice which schools their children go to. With schools commercialized, there will be competition between schools to provide better education, unlike how the government is doing things.

Its called Vouchers, and I support them. I also think that if you choose to homeschool or send your kids to Private school, then you shouldn’t have to have to pay the school tax.

Guns: Everyone should own one. Now what dumb criminal would rob a house, if he knew the person in it had a gun. Criminals prefer unarmed victims. Even if, let's say 1/10 good citizens always carried a gun with them, a lot of bank robberies and hold ups would be put down immediately. Guns are only a means to kill, they don't actually kill people. Were you to own a gun, that does not make you a cold-hearted person that is going to murder someone.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Lol. 2nd Amendment: Right to bear arms.

No people, I think they should take away all weapons bans. Including the one on Assualt weapons.

Welfare: Eliminate it! America is the land of oppertunity, and if you can apply yourself, YOU WILL SUCCEED.

I don’t believe in completely eliminating it. There are some people who do need it. I don’t believe however that the 70% of people who use welfare and are in working condition should not be living off of the state for nothing. Welfare abuse runs rampant among the West Oakland inner cities, I have been there and seen it.

Immigration: We need tougher screening on immigrants. What we have currently is a joke. We have too many people living illegally in the US, and who knows which ones are terrorists?

Millions of illegal immigrants have come from Mexico, and 40% of those in prison are Illegal Mexican immigrants who have committed crimes other than illegal immigration (Rape, Murder, etc.).

And then we disallow people from Cuba (Who want to escape that Pshyco Castro) to enter (Ellian Gonzales). Good job Clinton!

Taxes: Less taxes. As statistics show, when Reagen had cut taxes in the 80s, income went up. Tax cuts free up more money for the people who have it (which is a lot of Americans) so that it can be spent and invested in the economy. The more invested, the richer people get.

When taxes are cut on Businesses, they can then give pay raises, bonuses, etc. People start taking pay cuts when taxes are high.

The role of government: The role of the federal government should be restricted to justice, defense, and support of the nation's infastructure, such as roads, for example.

Yep, I couldn’t have said it better.

Socialism itself was only meant to be a transition phase from Capitalism to Communism, not an ideology. It does not work. Socialist and communist countries such the wealth of the country dry, making the country very poor.
In sweeden, a mcdonalds cheeseburger combo costs $15 from what my friend who has been there has said. In the U.S. it is about $3.50. That is a huge difference. And it is all caused by High takes which cause the inflation of the Dollar in Europe.

Capitalistic countries (USA does not count, because of welfare and other programs) have their nations wealth increase by not having a lot of taxes, and encouraging capitalistic development, which in the end, makes everyone richer.

Yep, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush knew this.

everything you guys have said i agree with, just one thing, which gun would be better to have? A 30-06 or a 22?

An A 30-06. I however would like the M134 (GAU-2B/A) lol.

Luweeg, if the Dems could be liquidated, it'd happen. The sad thing is that they have a sickening control over schools, from elementary to college, and the media. Not many movies are made with a conservative world view. (Those that do have one, do tend to sell better!) I would be one for infiltrating the media and schools, and getting conservatism back as the dominate force in those institutions.

They have control over the schools, media (Except FOX), Supreme Court (In California at least). And it is even more so in College.

Oh, and George Washington might have said that "political parties will tear the people apart," but he was only Alexander Hamilton's "puppet," so to speak. So he was just saying somebody else's words for them.

This is not based on historical evidence, it was made up by liberal researchers to undermine the fact that maybe people back then actually knew something.

Hoever, Political parties do split people apart.

I also believe that the Demo's should not be politicizing the war in Iraq. It harms everyone that fights over there, and it is not a smart thing to do.

Rumsfeld should not resign.

Bush should continue as president.

Terrorrism groups have been reported supporting John Kerry. This should worry us. No terrorrist group supports Bush.
Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

I also say the all abortion should be made Illegal. Studies have shown that the child in the mother can feel pain as soon as 5 weeks from conseption.

Wellfare should be mostly eliminated. And should only apply to the handicapped.

And I say that if you find something on the internet, that you should be free to download it without penalty. It is the webmaster's fault, not yours.
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: CK9 on November 05, 2004, 08:43:39 AM
my party isn't up there....it is the Idonotcarewhatpartyyouareaslongasyoudonotscrewup party
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: Arklon on November 05, 2004, 05:04:21 PM
my party isn't up there....it is the Idonotcarewhatpartyyouareaslongasyoudonotscrewup party
Same here. Except mine has "andyouaren'toneoftheridiculouspartiesliketheFreeIcecreamandPonyparty" as well. :P
Title: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Compunist?
Post by: jesusfreak06 on April 03, 2005, 12:19:11 AM
politics to me is like discussin religio.. many different parts, paths, choices, rulers, so and so fourth. but when i say i'm republican, i mean that i generally folllow the way that republicans think (pro life) and try to stick to it (unlike some Demos, who let John Kerry change his mind on like every issue to make himself).