Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Zhall on October 10, 2011, 01:56:23 AM
Does anyone remember the global domination idea? With the recent increase in IR....c.. XMMP traffic, perhaps it would work? lolol
You mean the "World Domination" that Leviathan once wanted to do? Would be nice, but I somehow doubt, that enough people would play enough games. Its one thing to play the occasional match every now and then, but playing about 20 games (rough estimate) would take up a huge amount of time that not everyone has.
And look what happened to the Summer Tourney (http://forum.outpost2.net/index.php?showtopic=5200).
Edit: if this really happens, if enough people participate and if its well organized, I'm willing to participate.
If someone would be willing to keep track of things, I'd be willing to play it :)
Basically you just need some sorta map and have capture points on that map, on both sides there would be capitals that offer some sort of defender advantage, such as like 100 mark pause for one side or whatever.
Each tile on the "map" would have certain settings
I guess you could just use screenshots and such to track who's won what.
I see.
The world domination that I know consists of several maps, each controlled by one team. A map can be conquered by winning a game (or probably 10 games or any number) on it against the opposing team (there would be percantages like "this map is owned 20% by team red and 80% by team blue"). It would only be possible for a team to play a map in or adjacent to its territory. In the beginning territories would be equally sized. Teams could be of any size. Games could only be played with equal numbers of players from each team.