Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: jcj94 on March 19, 2011, 05:55:29 PM

Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 19, 2011, 05:55:29 PM
I noticed that if you only have one wreckage and have four people playing.. whoever gets it tends to get tag teamed on.

Just saying.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: Spikerocks101 on March 19, 2011, 06:04:00 PM
Really depends on a few things, imo.
1: What does the wreckage do in your map?
2: How big is your map
3: How many people can play on your map?
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: TH300 on March 19, 2011, 06:46:08 PM
The speed mod gives a player a huge advantage. If one has it and the other doesn't, the player with the speed mod can easily outmaneuver the other one (if the map fits for that). Hence I am against the speedmod, i.e. I want none. If you want to add it nontheless, you should put one for every player and make it so that every player can only pick up one wreckage.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 19, 2011, 07:30:21 PM
lets assume a good game is going.  4 players, maybe more.

Something La Corrida Or bigger..

Basically any map really

and TH300, thanks for your input on why, and I might (and so will others) use this for a map guide, depending on how many people like the tiger mod.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: Highlander on March 19, 2011, 07:58:30 PM
If you want to add it nontheless, you should put one for every player and make it so that every player can only pick up one wreckage.
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the whole thing ?
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 19, 2011, 07:59:36 PM
If you want to add it nontheless, you should put one for every player and make it so that every player can only pick up one wreckage.
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the whole thing ?
Sorry TH300, but I'm with Highlander on this one.

I kinda want it for the fact that its another advantage for the other players to fight with.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: TH300 on March 19, 2011, 08:17:56 PM
If you want to add it nontheless, you should put one for every player and make it so that every player can only pick up one wreckage.
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the whole thing ?
Sorry TH300, but I'm with Highlander on this one.

I kinda want it for the fact that its another advantage for the other players to fight with.
That would neglect its use, yes. And thats just the idea. Why would you intentionally make the game uneven? Could as well destroy a random sf at some mark. Whats that good for?

Also, teams won't suddenly change if they were formed before the game started, which is what is usually done.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 20, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
*sigh* critizism, something people don't like but endure.

Anyway, Hey,I just completed the La Corrida map. It's my first ever map.. EVER.  Don't whine to much.  Be glad it works.

And Instead of permaDAY i have permaNight.  It's just that much cooler :P

I'll work on editing more when I get home.  I just wish I had a bigger screen to see more code at a time, instead of having to scroll every 10 seconds.

Note: I did use both the Mapper, AND VC Express, and for my first attempts at making a half decent map, based primarily off SirBombers code, I think I did pretty darn well.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: Flashy on March 20, 2011, 12:58:36 PM
I just wish I had a bigger screen to see more code at a time, instead of having to scroll every 10 seconds.
Why don't you look at it with notepad? It has no highlighting or project help, but you can see more at once
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 20, 2011, 04:53:25 PM
I just wish I had a bigger screen to see more code at a time, instead of having to scroll every 10 seconds.
Why don't you look at it with notepad? It has no highlighting or project help, but you can see more at once
because on my machine Notepad doesn't work.  <_<

I am unsure WHY it doesn't, but the only thing I can use is word.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: evecolonycamander on March 20, 2011, 05:12:26 PM
IF we are to use the tiger mod i say we need some other tech that gets unlocked for other players that balances the battle.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 21, 2011, 08:07:38 AM
IF we are to use the tiger mod i say we need some other tech that gets unlocked for other players that balances the battle.
As in?
-Increased Fire rate?
-Increased Armor?
-Increased Weapon Range?
-Increased Weapon Damage?
-Thors Hammers can create Thunderstorms?
Those are just a few random ones that come to mind.

I think the Thunderstorms one would be cool... unless someone abused it and sat there with 4 thors in front of there base just making thunderstorms in front of us.  Maybe they would be able to go back and kill the tigers themselvs.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: Highlander on March 21, 2011, 08:18:49 AM
IF we are to use the tiger mod i say we need some other tech that gets unlocked for other players that balances the battle.
Why ?

If one player spent time and resources on getting something - why should others recieve something for free ?
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 21, 2011, 09:33:00 AM
IF we are to use the tiger mod i say we need some other tech that gets unlocked for other players that balances the battle.
Why ?

If one player spent time and resources on getting something - why should others recieve something for free ?
I think he means "another item that people can grab that the person with the original advantage can't grab" deal here.
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: evecolonycamander on March 21, 2011, 11:33:19 AM
exactly... i think. anyways, i dislike unbalance. i suggest some kind of .dll tech.(no need to edit multitek)
Title: Tiger Wreckage Amounts
Post by: jcj94 on March 26, 2011, 10:12:49 AM
So what you want is one person to be able to get 1 tech, then each other person be able to get a tech that might be able to level out the field?

That's understandable