Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Sickest on February 17, 2011, 11:09:33 AM

Title: Help!
Post by: Sickest on February 17, 2011, 11:09:33 AM
I have been playing outpost 2 a while and so.. When it's gone like 10+ min it's stating to go bad in the game.. like workers die and scientes and so on! Building are offline .. how can i make it to not happend?
Title: Help!
Post by: TH300 on February 17, 2011, 01:12:22 PM
All your troubles are probably related to low morale. In Outpost2 there is a morale among the virtual people, which is a value between 0 and 100, where 0 = very bad and 100 = very good. The higher morale is, the more will your population grow. If morale is too low, your population will shrink. Long story short: keep morale high and all your problems are solved.

You can view the current morale in the resource report (press "r" to get to it).

Now, how do you keep morale high? If you doubleclick on morale in the resource report, you will see a list with residence demand, net food production and other demands. You have to fulfill all demands and have a positive net food production. "fulfill" in the case of residences means to reduce the demand under 100%. In the case of nursery it means to have one operational. It is crucial to have morale high all the time (unless it is steady which is usually only the case in multiplayer games).

You should also try the tutorials.
Title: Help!
Post by: Sirbomber on February 18, 2011, 10:56:07 AM
Just out of curiosity, are you getting messages along the lines of "COLONISTS ARE STARVING TO DEATH"?
Title: Help!
Post by: Zardox Xheonov on February 23, 2011, 08:37:42 AM
not to mention the fact that you need a univercity and nursery up ASAP.

and don't try to build anything else untill your basic colonist-needs structures are up and running.. Medical centers, agridomes, nurserys, and univercities. These four structures help you survive and without the last 3 listed you eventially loose the game.

Note: you only need 1 nersery and 1 university in game.
Title: Help!
Post by: TH300 on February 23, 2011, 01:15:28 PM
not to mention the fact that you need a univercity and nursery up ASAP.

and don't try to build anything else untill your basic colonist-needs structures are up and running.. Medical centers, agridomes, nurserys, and univercities. These four structures help you survive and without the last 3 listed you eventially loose the game.

Note: you only need 1 nersery and 1 university in game.
Yea, you need a nursery for population growth (no children will be born without a running nursery) and you need a university to get new workers (and scientists, of course). In some games you may have to research nurseries with Offspring Enhancement and universities with Research Training Program, first. As soon as these topics are researched (either by you or by game start) you will get a morale penalty if nursery or university are not operational.

Medical centers are not at all required to win the game and in some cases (e.g. in short games) they even make your life a little harder, because they require workers and scientists. They will, however, increase population growth and thus pay off in the long run. Hooman made some calculations on this, somewhere on the forum.
So, if you don't want medical centers, don't research them (the topic is Health Maintenance). If you research them, you'll get a morale penalty if the demand is above 100% (similar to residences). Beware that in some games you'll start with medical centers already researched.