Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Flashy on November 01, 2010, 12:52:47 PM
I've read somewhere about morale.txt
It controls the normal maximum of morale, but does it work in the same way in multiplayer? Can a player with low resources never have as much morale as a high resources player?(without consumer goods factory or something similar)
Those are not maximum values per-say. Those are just steady-state values. Consumer goods, researches completed, etc. can raise the morale above that, but it will naturally tend back to its steady-state.
Yes, i know
Starting resources in multiplayer does basically map to difficulty, so morale is probably effected by it. And that DOES matter, because players with low resources will always have a disadvantage in morale games, not just in the beginning. But since it is common practice to use that setting for beacon yield and ai aggressiveness etc. in community maps, this doesn't seem like something to complain about.
Its just because that sounds somewhat unifair for multiplayer
Well, we could get into a philosophical discussion of why there is even a per-player resources setting, and whatnot.
I'm assuming that dynamix meant it as a "handicap" functionality, where an experienced player vs. a not-so-experienced player could have their resources set lower to "level the playing field," so to speak.
It would make sense though, and as mentioned above I don't think it's intended as a maximum value, (I believe the final output value is a scaled value anyway, keep in mind that morale = condition morale + event morale, and I believe this number is used in the calculation for condition morale). If you look around on the forums there is a discussion somewhere about how morale is calculated, along with commented pieces of code.
I would tend to agree it's not a huge issue anyway (I honestly don't know the answer to the original question about whether it affects morale for a player in a multiplayer game). If it does, this probably goes unnoticed anyway as most multiplayer games are played with morale steady turned on. What we do know is that the resources setting maps to "difficulty" (and the mission code can access this variable easily) so it's most useful as a way to set other mission parameters like how much ore there will be or whatnot.
From what I remember, the resource settings for a player affect the difficulty level for that player, like everyone else has said already, and that difficulty level is used in determining the condition morale multiplier, as BlackBox has indicated. So yes, it will affect "steady state" morale for the duration of the game. If the morale report shows all requirements as fully met, and there have been no morale effecting events "recently" (vague), that's what your morale will be (clipped to the range 0..100, as you may note Plymouth's easy morale modifier helps cover over bad events).
And yeah, I think this is meant as a handicap for more advanced players.
Why? I mean keeping up moral in SinglePlayer is bad enough. But to keep it up high to have colonists, why'le fighting off attacks, thats just insane...
That's also why some of us prefer this game over newer ones.
Why? I mean keeping up moral in SinglePlayer is bad enough. But to keep it up high to have colonists, why'le fighting off attacks, thats just insane...
Thats what Outpost 2 is about, unlike C&C or most other real time strategy games. And since all players are effected by morale its rather manageable.
Yes, i know... IDEA! What if we found some way to port, Op2 onto the CNC Sage2 Engine. (CnC Generals) Ill get started learning C++ :P Oh trust me, im full of crazy ideas. :heh:
Yes, i know... IDEA! What if we found some way to port, Op2 onto the CNC Sage2 Engine. (CnC Generals) Ill get started learning C++ :P Oh trust me, im full of crazy ideas. :heh:
1. you are free to do that, but since an op2-starcraft mod is being made already, a mod for another game seems pointless.
2. If you are serious on this, create a new thread where everyone can comment on your ideas. I see the off-topic-ness coming already.