Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Sirbomber on April 23, 2010, 04:42:47 PM
So, in order to make the Friday Bash more successful (make more people show up to it) it may be best if people list which timezones they're in. We should also try to gauge who will actually be around for that week's bash so people will know ahead of time who will be there and at what times. Maybe we could create some kind of weekly list that automatically resets Saturday night/Sunday morning where people could post their planned attendance (or lack thereof)?
Also, we tried to have "themes" for a few weeks but as far as I know nobody really cared. Should we abandon the theme idea since it hasn't been successful so far?
I'm in GMT+1/CE(S)T timezone. But don't count me in for the next few weeks.
Also, we tried to have "themes" for a few weeks but as far as I know nobody really cared. Should we abandon the theme idea since it hasn't been successful so far?
We can have themes, but they should be an option, i.e. people should be encouraged to play a certain game type, but not forced to. And we don't need a theme for every week. If no one has a good idea, just leave it open.
Anyways, we should acknowledge that people may have arbitrary reasons for playing or not playing. Its things you cannot influence. The weekly list that you suggested may allow others to see who will be there, but it will only work if people don't mind being the first on the list (i.e. "no one will be there, so why should I be").
Which state kayedon?
I think themes are great, maybe even have theme-competitions!
it's random when I'll show up :P
Which state kayedon?
I think themes are great, maybe even have theme-competitions!
it's random when I'll show up :P
Who said state? I might be Canadian. :o
No, I live in Wash.
And I'm not a huge fan of themes. Then again, I'm not a huge fan of competition. Or multiplayer. Because I suck hardcore. >:
I'm not a huge fan of competition. Or multiplayer. Because I suck hardcore. >:
Then come on and learn to play n0[size=0] [/size]0b.
I think an arena competition would be fun..., maybe I should make a map for that...
-5:00 (EDT) thou, I am probably free every day BUT Fridays... I should go on the IRC more often >_>
I think an arena competition would be fun..., maybe I should make a map for that...
It's called Colosseum (4P, LoS, mp4_01.map).
I'd recommend doing Arena fighting in the middle of AtW. Bigger Arena :)