Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Sirbomber on February 07, 2010, 10:10:17 PM
Well, things haven't changed much over the years (see here (http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=968)), but I think there are some things we should mention for new people. So I'm starting a new terminology guide for the uninitiated. Feel free to post additional info, and I'll add it to this list.
General Terminology:[/u]
OP2 = Outpost 2
OPU = Outpost Universe
IRC = Internet Relay Chat (chat program used to communicate with other members of OPU in real time)
LoS = Last One Standing
LR = Land Rush
SR = Space Race
SURV = Survivor
RR = Resource Race
B/T = Build and Trade (players agree to no or minimal combat)
Vech Limit = Vehicle Limit. No more vehicles can be built by a player who has hit the vehicle limit. Varies by number of players in the game. A similar limit exists for structures as well.
AM = Attack Mark (don't attack before the attack mark)
BM = Build Mark (don't build anything before the build mark in Land Rush games)
MS = Morale Steady
D/N = Day/Night
Init Vechs = Initial Vehicles
Mark = Unit of time measurement used by Outpost 2
Plym(z) = Plymouth
SDK = Software Development Kit (used to create new missions for Outpost 2)
Ham/Hamz = Hamachi (software used to play multiplayer games over a virtual network)
Direct = Direct IP connection (old way of playing multiplayer games)
WON = World Opponent Network. Sierra's long-defunct online server for Outpost 2 games. Having to put that on this list makes me feel old and sad.
SIGS = Sierra Internet Gaming Service. Precursor to WON.
Map Abbreviations:[/u]
BBB = Bomber's Big Blast
CCF = Caught in the Crossfire
FW2 = Forsaken World v2
AtW = Around the World
Frax = Fractures
FP = Flood Plain
Pie = Pie Chart
Woot Root = Root Canal
TGW = The Green World
La Corr = La Corrida
PCW = Plymouth Cold War
FP/FP2 = Flood Plain/Flood Plain v2
Structure Abbreviations:[/u]
CC = Command Center
SF = Structure Factory
VF = Vehicle Factory
AF = Arachnid Factory
CGF = Consumer Goods Factory
COS = Common Ore Smelter (rarely used)
ROS = Rare Ore Smelter (rarely used)
COM = Common Ore Mine (rarely used)
ROM = Rare Ore Mine (rarely used)
Tok = Tokamak
Agri = Agridome
Uni = University
MHD = MHD Generator
GP = Guard Post
Adv. Lab = Advanced Lab
Std. Lab = Standard Lab
Med = Medical Center
Obs = Observatory
MD = Meteor Defense
Rec = Recreation Facility
(Adv.) Res = (Advanced) Residence (Reinforced Res. doesn't get an abbreviation)
RCC = Robot Command Center
Solar Array = Solar Power Array
SP = Spaceport
TC = Trade Center
Vehicle Abbreviations:[/u]
EW/Earthy = Earthworker
ET/Evac Trans = Evacuation Transport
RV = Repair Vehicle
Scorp = Scorpion
Weapons Abbreviations:[/u]
Acid = Acid Cloud
Micro = Microwave
RG = Rail Gun (not used often as easily confused with RPG)
Flare = Starflare
Foam = StickyFoam
Nova = Supernova
Thors = Thor's Hammer
Misc. Abbreviations:[/u]
Scis = Scientists
Pop = Population
ALB = Advanced Lab Bomb
Other Terms:[/u]
GP Rush = Building a Guard Post in your enemy's base. Generally discouraged.
Scout Rush = Using Scouts to attack by self-destructing them to damage enemy structures. Generally discouraged.
Tube Cutting = Using your Earthworker to demolish enemy tubes, making their colony inoperable. Generally discouraged.
Plym Rush = Attacking early in the game, using nothing but Microwave Lynx (occasionally StickyFoam as well)
EMP Spam = Bombarding your enemy with EMP Missiles. Generally discouraged.
Trade Route = Bulldozing a path between you and an ally so units can travel between the two bases faster.
Mods and Add-ons:[/u]
Ren = Renegades, a new campaign by Eddy-B. 4-mission demo available. Project most likely cancelled.
MT2 = Multitek2. New techtree by Sirbomber.
OP:SC = Outpost: Second Chance, a new campaign using the MT2 techtree by Sirbomber. Old, outdated demo available. In-development, but on hold as I work on my skills.
CMX = Color Mod #X. Two available for download somewhere, but several personal ones exist.
DM666(Z) = Difficulty Mod v666, "the mod made by Satan for your displeasure". Version Z makes the game nearly impossible.
NetFix = Hooman's attempt at a WON replacement. Still in beta, but works well for most people.
Survivor = Custom gametype based off of the Space Race type. Players must compete or cooperate to build a complete starship before the Blight consumes the planet.
Swarm(Z) = Special map in which players must fight off a never-ending hoard of enemy units. Version Z was intentionally broken to make it buggy. Ironically, it's more stable than the regular version.
OP2Mapper = Map-making program for Outpost 2.
More to come...?
I don't use them much, but:
Common - Common ore
Rare - Rare ore
Ore - Common ore
#x#Bar - # of # bar beccons
VF - Vehicle Factory
Empile - EMP missile
Empile - EMP missile
I have never heard anyone say that.
And how was VF not already on the list...?
you forgot to put it there
and yea, I've never heard empile....only missle for emp missles