Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Sirbomber on February 07, 2010, 10:10:17 PM

Title: Multiplayer Terminology V2
Post by: Sirbomber on February 07, 2010, 10:10:17 PM
Well, things haven't changed much over the years (see here (http://forum.outpostuniverse.net/index.php?showtopic=968)), but I think there are some things we should mention for new people.  So I'm starting a new terminology guide for the uninitiated.  Feel free to post additional info, and I'll add it to this list.

General Terminology:[/u]
OP2 = Outpost 2
OPU = Outpost Universe
IRC = Internet Relay Chat (chat program used to communicate with other members of OPU in real time)
LoS = Last One Standing
LR = Land Rush
SR = Space Race
SURV = Survivor
RR = Resource Race
B/T = Build and Trade (players agree to no or minimal combat)
Vech Limit = Vehicle Limit.  No more vehicles can be built by a player who has hit the vehicle limit.  Varies by number of players in the game.  A similar limit exists for structures as well.
AM = Attack Mark (don't attack before the attack mark)
BM = Build Mark (don't build anything before the build mark in Land Rush games)
MS = Morale Steady
D/N = Day/Night
Init Vechs = Initial Vehicles
Mark = Unit of time measurement used by Outpost 2
Plym(z) = Plymouth
SDK = Software Development Kit (used to create new missions for Outpost 2)
Ham/Hamz = Hamachi (software used to play multiplayer games over a virtual network)
Direct = Direct IP connection (old way of playing multiplayer games)
WON = World Opponent Network.  Sierra's long-defunct online server for Outpost 2 games.  Having to put that on this list makes me feel old and sad.
SIGS = Sierra Internet Gaming Service.  Precursor to WON.

Map Abbreviations:[/u]
BBB = Bomber's Big Blast
CCF = Caught in the Crossfire
FW2 = Forsaken World v2
AtW = Around the World
Frax = Fractures
FP = Flood Plain
Pie = Pie Chart
Woot Root = Root Canal
TGW = The Green World
La Corr = La Corrida
PCW = Plymouth Cold War
FP/FP2 = Flood Plain/Flood Plain v2

Structure Abbreviations:[/u]
CC = Command Center
SF = Structure Factory
VF = Vehicle Factory
AF = Arachnid Factory
CGF = Consumer Goods Factory
COS = Common Ore Smelter (rarely used)
ROS = Rare Ore Smelter (rarely  used)
COM = Common Ore Mine (rarely used)
ROM = Rare Ore Mine (rarely used)
Tok = Tokamak
Agri = Agridome
Uni = University
MHD = MHD Generator
GP = Guard Post
Adv. Lab = Advanced Lab
Std. Lab = Standard Lab
Med = Medical Center
Obs = Observatory
MD = Meteor Defense
Rec = Recreation Facility
(Adv.) Res = (Advanced) Residence (Reinforced Res. doesn't get an abbreviation)
RCC = Robot Command Center
Solar Array = Solar Power Array
SP = Spaceport
TC = Trade Center

Vehicle Abbreviations:[/u]
EW/Earthy = Earthworker
ET/Evac Trans = Evacuation Transport
RV = Repair Vehicle
Scorp = Scorpion

Weapons Abbreviations:[/u]
Acid = Acid Cloud
Micro = Microwave
RG = Rail Gun (not used often as easily confused with RPG)
Flare = Starflare
Foam = StickyFoam
Nova = Supernova
Thors = Thor's Hammer

Misc. Abbreviations:[/u]
Scis = Scientists
Pop = Population
ALB = Advanced Lab Bomb

Other Terms:[/u]
GP Rush = Building a Guard Post in your enemy's base.  Generally discouraged.
Scout Rush = Using Scouts to attack by self-destructing them to damage enemy structures.  Generally discouraged.
Tube Cutting = Using your Earthworker to demolish enemy tubes, making their colony inoperable.  Generally discouraged.
Plym Rush = Attacking early in the game, using nothing but Microwave Lynx (occasionally StickyFoam as well)
EMP Spam = Bombarding your enemy with EMP Missiles.  Generally discouraged.
Trade Route = Bulldozing a path between you and an ally so units can travel between the two bases faster.

Mods and Add-ons:[/u]
Ren = Renegades, a new campaign by Eddy-B.  4-mission demo available.  Project most likely cancelled.
MT2 = Multitek2.  New techtree by Sirbomber.
OP:SC = Outpost: Second Chance, a new campaign using the MT2 techtree by Sirbomber.  Old, outdated demo available.  In-development, but on hold as I work on my skills.
CMX = Color Mod #X.  Two available for download somewhere, but several personal ones exist.
DM666(Z) = Difficulty Mod v666, "the mod made by Satan for your displeasure".  Version Z makes the game nearly impossible.
NetFix = Hooman's attempt at a WON replacement.  Still in beta, but works well for most people.
Survivor = Custom gametype based off of the Space Race type.  Players must compete or cooperate to build a complete starship before the Blight consumes the planet.
Swarm(Z) = Special map in which players must fight off a never-ending hoard of enemy units.  Version Z was intentionally broken to make it buggy.  Ironically, it's more stable than the regular version.
OP2Mapper = Map-making program for Outpost 2.

More to come...?
Title: Multiplayer Terminology V2
Post by: Spikerocks101 on February 07, 2010, 10:58:26 PM
I don't use them much, but:
Common - Common ore
Rare - Rare ore
Ore - Common ore
#x#Bar - # of # bar beccons
VF - Vehicle Factory
Empile - EMP missile
Title: Multiplayer Terminology V2
Post by: Sirbomber on February 08, 2010, 06:57:28 AM
Empile - EMP missile
I have never heard anyone say that.

And how was VF not already on the list...?
Title: Multiplayer Terminology V2
Post by: CK9 on February 08, 2010, 09:22:50 AM
you forgot to put it there

and yea, I've never heard empile....only missle for emp missles