Outpost Universe Forums
Community => Introductions => Topic started by: Wooman on December 18, 2009, 11:17:34 PM
I am Wooman Female...
http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1299 (http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1299)
Hmmm, your name is suspiciously similar to Hooman's name (which is, of course, Hooman). I have yet to decide whether you are a unique individual or if Hooman decided, for some bizarre reason, to create an alternate account and was too lazy to think of an original name. Of course, there's always the possibility that you are somehow related to Hooman and decided to pick a similar name to reflect this. It may take me awhile to make up my mind on this...
The only reason I could see hooman doing something like that would be to test that the sign-in system is working...but then he'd flat out tell us...and wouldn't pretend to be feemale...meh
The only reason I could see hooman doing something like that would be to test that the sign-in system is working...but then he'd flat out tell us...and wouldn't pretend to be feemale...meh
Are you sure Hooman isn't pretending to be male? :D
After seeing the post in End of the World, and seeing how it wasn't all 100% thought out and stuff, this can't be Hooman.
agreed, both do lengthy posts, but hooman's have a certain diction to them and never a spelling error as result of a typo :P
or hooman misspelled words on purpouse to throw us off track..
or hooman misspelled words on purpouse to throw us off track..
I bet that if that where true, he would type a perfect text, and then use a script to randomly pick characters, changing it's character to the one with a nearby keyboard position.
At least, that's what I would do.
No, I believe in the authenticity of Wooman.
But Hooman has (quite suspiciously) avoided this thread so far...
I have not avoide--er well regardless of hooman, Hellow everyone, you seem to be a very suspicious and curious group.
Lol. I've been finding this thread too amusing to kill it prematurely by replying to it. :P
I have a feeling this curiosity will stay alive until we get confirmation of eiter side :P
Quick check the server logs for duplicate IPs.
Hooman's smarter than to fall for the duplicate IP trap.
Maybe, Wooman is the wife Hooman programed for himself?
Maybe, Wooman is the wife Hooman programed for himself?
Uh, ewww?
Despite the number of replies, none of you have actully said "Hi" yet... :P
Hooman's smarter than to fall for the duplicate IP trap.
He might have slipped up. But yea, a simple vidalia TOR would take care of that.
Wooman welcome to the boards, as you noticed we are quite quirky, and to some degree, socially inept.
So tell us how you found this place, and your past experiences with OP and/or OP2.