Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: fire team zu on November 30, 2009, 01:50:40 PM
i was browsing on my old computer when i stumbked on a mod i made (or someone else did) but beacuse i havent used the computer in over 3 years i doubt somne made it it has nanochips reserch perameters and some things that maek you need less colony buildings
i think that is OP1.5?
or a sirBomer production...
No i found a copy of it. Actully it was widly released along time ago. It's a Nanite improvement mod... You diddent make it. Nether did Bomber, and its not OP1.5 it's more of a crapmod that improves nothing. I ripped some code from it beacuse i got lazy, all i wanted was the smelter increase code for techtree. :D
Yea yea yea... I bumped the post, But this idiot dosent need to take credit for things he diddent make.
Future reference, just make a new post and link back to the old one.
Interesting though; I'd never heard about this. I didn't pay any attention to it the first time around since I figured FTZ was just making crap up again, but now I wanna know who made it, and how old it is.
Ok, let me check my old labtop and see... Ill get back to you in a week with that, need to find it first. I remember i found it a few years ago (1-2 i think) and i found it on the fourms here.
Box unpacking process 5/200
... It's a nightmare, but i need the labtop, it has all my code on it GMOD and Op2 alike.
Found items of intrest:
3rd Shock Army cap Badge (Have been looking for this)
Mosin Nagat (Why was this in a box???)
Soviet flag (Don't get me started on what i will do with this :P )
3rd Shock Army rifleman Uniform
Box of PPSH Ammo
RDG42 (No prime pins thank god)
My house is like a WW2 Armory :D