Outpost Universe Forums
Community => Introductions => Topic started by: Kayedon on May 30, 2009, 01:00:32 AM
I thought I should make my first post since September 07. Hi all, I'm Kayedon. I've been playing OP2 for a decade too long. I don't enjoy the same multiplayer everyone else does; I prefer to roleplay. I know more about OP2 than I probably should. It's my dream goal to eventually recreate OP2 (the same thing a million other people have said, yes... But if you have the code, send it to me. ;o) as a better version of what it is (AKA no more "brb curing AIDS").
Uhh, I dunno what else to say. Some people here know me. I was supposed to be in charge of the tech tree descriptions for SirBomber's (I just feel like capitalizing the B, don't kill me) MT2 or something like that. I still have the old files/edits, ha.
Anywho. Hi.
Normally I would kill you for capitalizing the "b" but since I need you to do stuff I have no choice but to let you get away with it...
Anyways, hi.
Whutcha need me for eh?
I need you so I can sacrifice your soul to give me even more l33t OP2 powers. Or something.
L33t OP2 powers? Bah. I have none to give.
No, but I steal your soul and give it to Satan and he gives me said powers.
So the rumor goes anyways. I can neither confirm nor deny any allegations that my OP2 skill comes from negotiations with a supernatural power.
Satan ran out of "Soul for Starcraft Skills", so when Sirbomber was shoping, he seen the deal, "Extreme OP2 Skills for only 1 Soul!" and now needs another soul to bye it. Yours will do fine. :P
Pffft, Starcraft "skill" doesn't cost a soul. At most it costs 1/1000th of a cent since all you need to do is mash buttons.
Welcome to OPU :)
I like Starcraft but haven't played it in ages.
Who the fruit got this into SC? ;d