Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: <PA>Shadow_Tank on December 24, 2008, 06:40:46 AM

Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: <PA>Shadow_Tank on December 24, 2008, 06:40:46 AM

Hello all! Not sure if you remeber me or not, i use to play op2 all the time! I was in the Pa clan for a long time, i am not sure if they are still kciking around or not) I remeber all the old favorites too!

Rondlt, falcon, I remebr u lev lol, there was ambrose P hill, fox clan, i remeber lots of the old guys/girls lol!

I would to start playing op2 again thats for sure! any help would be great! thanks!
Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: Hidiot on December 24, 2008, 08:00:00 AM
Be sure to check the Outpost Updates sub-forum in the Main Projects section for the Outpost 2 1.3.5 Beta 2 (the newest pack for now).

As far as I can tell, there's no clans left, but I'm too new around to know for sure.

Edit: My mistake, the sub-forum is in Main Projects.
Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: Spikerocks101 on December 24, 2008, 01:40:03 PM
Nice to meet you! No one is really regular enouf to be in a clan, and since theres less then a hald full of irc people even ever been on the irc, its unlikely you'll get a clan started. But as for me, the most active play, I was sad i missed the clan days, for i rock when i am in a clan :P
Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: Sirbomber on December 24, 2008, 02:18:37 PM
Clans are pointless.  They just divide people into arbitrary groups that dissolve faster than celebrity marriages.
Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: Savant 231-A on December 24, 2008, 02:21:58 PM
Clans are pointless.  They just divide people into arbitrary groups that dissolve faster than celebrity marriages.
Speak for yourself. If he wants a clan, let him have one, I don't see any harm in it
Title: Hey Everyone!
Post by: Sirbomber on December 24, 2008, 03:16:40 PM
Speak for yourself.
I did; thus why I voiced my opinion.