Ever get sick of how the MiniMap scrolls in OP2? If you move the mouse to the extreme top or bottom, it gets caught and stops scrolling. I find this very frustrating sometimes. Particularly when you're in a hurry to do something.
But, it's also easily fixed. Find the following virtual address with the following instruction:
0045865C FF4C24 14 DEC DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
... and change it to this:
0045865C FF4C24 1C DEC DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C]
What this does is decrements Rect.y2 instead of Rect.y1, just before the mouse is clipped to that rectangular region of the screen. Notice how you can't move the mouse off the minimap while the button is down. Anyways, it seems this just fixes a minor bug. With this fix, the clipped region actually corresponds to where the mouse should be allowed to roam. Now you're blocked from falling off the bottom edge (which prevented scrolling), and you no longer fall off the top edge (which prevented scrolling).