Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => Test/Spam Forum => Topic started by: Zardox Xheonov on October 20, 2007, 09:34:39 PM
I mostly play runescape when im playing anything..
If you dont know how to get to runescape then go to:
A safe website for gamers... (http://www.runescape.com)
(Yes i know im a noob
but i kick but on RS..)
My combat lvl on RS(runescape) is 91 ATM(at the monent).
I only add players of combat lvl 70 or higher(69 does not cut it).
I hope i find some good freinds on here for runescape :D
~~~Health and Happyness~~~
I was going to ask if anyone plays RS.
My name is Summoner357, level 115, temporary fishing skiller.
Check my G&A about my statistics on my favorite fansite: Zybez!
News Flash! Summoner357 is making the sharks extinct! (http://www.zybez.net/community/index.php?showtopic=1078500&st=0&start=0)
The Conestoga :op2:
rsn: Iamck
combat: 123
p2p: yes
highest stat(s): att, def, str, hp (all 93)
playing since: 2001
most notable accomplishment: all quests completed (many the same day they were added)
I made a stat sig for rs, but then the PHP version on the server was updated and my coding was screwed up, heh.