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Off Topic => Test/Spam Forum => Topic started by: Savant 231-A on October 13, 2007, 08:30:50 PM

Title: Nickname
Post by: Savant 231-A on October 13, 2007, 08:30:50 PM
I started this poll beacuse I had some... problems with someone with the usage of my nick (and actually getting his spam mail), So I wanted to hear your voice.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Hooman on October 14, 2007, 12:19:19 AM
Certainly not. My nickname is actually a real name. Someone once PMed me asking if I was some guy he knew in real life by the same name. Plus if you google for my name there are a ton of results.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Savant 231-A on October 14, 2007, 09:33:44 AM
Certainly not. My nickname is actually a real name. Someone once PMed me asking if I was some guy he knew in real life by the same name. Plus if you google for my name there are a ton of results.
It happened to me once. I pm'ed one guy and wrote "Are you that guy, that I think you are?" And the next day, the guy answered nothing. I think he thought I was a moron. :)

Oh, when I google (http://www.google.hr/search?hl=hr&q=Savant+231+A&btnG=Google+pretraga&meta=) my name, i think my name only appears.
Title: Nickname
Post by: siqueule on October 15, 2007, 05:22:18 PM
fours results for "siqueule" on google! I'm only  B)  
Title: Nickname
Post by: Nynx on October 15, 2007, 06:07:32 PM
going by forums and games, not google (because google takes into account every instance of the name rather than only the instance in which the query is used as a name) my nickname is unique.

the most disappointing one is that someone on deviantart has already taken that name, so i had to resort to a battletech reference  :P

Title: Nickname
Post by: CK9 on October 16, 2007, 05:53:36 PM
Well, I am the original CK9, but it isn't unique anymore.  It's also used in a band name (I don't feel like harrassing them about it)

Iamck (my main runescape name) is used by other people...dunno how long for

xdarkinsidex is 100% me from what I've seen so far...I might switch everything to that, 'cause I like it better.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Sl0vi on October 20, 2007, 03:59:16 AM
I haven't seem anyone else use my name. So I guess it's kinda unique.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Hidiot on October 20, 2007, 12:54:49 PM
I don't think my nick is unique... it could be, but I just can't really check :/
Title: Nickname
Post by: Sl0vi on October 21, 2007, 03:02:19 AM
I don't think my nick is unique... it could be, but I just can't really check :/
sure you can, just google your own name and see how many others you can find that use your name.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Hidiot on October 21, 2007, 09:32:37 AM
my god... you try that with my nick and see what happens.

Apparently my nick isn't so unique, it having a real meaning in slang that I never knew existed O_o

If in the search you see something about Shields-UP, I played that game. Other appearances... not me.
Title: Nickname
Post by: greytrains on January 03, 2008, 02:40:25 PM
you look up my nickname and you will only find me.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Derekristow on July 14, 2008, 04:53:25 PM
Somehow my real name has more results than my online name (Derek Ristow).  Probably has something to do with the fact that my last name was the same as a character's in I, Robot.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Oktan on August 22, 2008, 03:45:02 PM
Oktan isn't original at all and i know that. But it's my real name backwards and i got a bit attached to it.  :D  You can get many results for my online an real name. But whatever i'm still deeply hidden behind OKTAN :ph34r:
Title: Nickname
Post by: Eddy-B on August 24, 2008, 07:52:04 AM
So far, i've found one person (from my OWN country for crying outloud!) with the same nickname,,, be it he's just a youngster, while i've been using this name for... idunno... 15 years ?!

Then again: who'd wanna use something like "Eddy-B" ? B)
Title: Nickname
Post by: Freeza-CII on August 26, 2008, 09:59:37 PM
There are millions of Freezas But there is only one Freeza-CII Freeza_CII or Freeza CII
Title: Nickname
Post by: vennom on August 27, 2008, 04:26:10 AM
i think vennom is not "normal" xD (u dont call ur child vennom o.o")
Title: Nickname
Post by: 4302062 on September 03, 2008, 11:03:18 PM
mine is my cell phone number and 7842303 was my other number.  still cant figure out why it was :BANNED:  
Title: Nickname
Post by: WalkmanSilver on February 11, 2010, 10:34:49 AM
If my username is unique on Xbox Live, on here, and on Playstation Network (when I had it), then I seriously believe my username is unique  ;)

Then again, I have the feeling someone is going to look at this and change their nickname  
Title: Nickname
Post by: Spikerocks101 on February 11, 2010, 03:35:14 PM
bumbing, you pulled off a 2 year bumb. and mine is very unique.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Empedocles on February 13, 2010, 01:45:25 AM
Mine is a Greek statesman. He invented the waterclock and died by jumping into a volcano. It threw back a sandal.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Freeza-CII on February 13, 2010, 05:05:08 PM
I started this poll beacuse I had some... problems with someone with the usage of my nick (and actually getting his spam mail), So I wanted to hear your voice.

your nick is about as unique at mine savant.  you just added s*** on the end to a name that existed in some fashion that is going to be used by more people then maybe 100.
Title: Nickname
Post by: alice on February 16, 2010, 11:44:25 AM
Mine's unique afaik.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Arklon on February 16, 2010, 08:27:12 PM
Archon -> Archlon -> Arklon.
Or maybe it was schlong -> archlong -> Arklon.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Sirbomber on February 16, 2010, 09:09:44 PM
What about your other (http://arklon.outpost2.net/other/NE.ES.wav) nickname Arklon?  :P

Edit: Anyways, some people think I get my nickname from the Bomberman series, but I just like watching things go boom.  Regardless, it's not unique... I don't think?
Title: Nickname
Post by: stckhlmsyndrme on February 17, 2010, 01:27:08 PM
as far as i know, mines unique. a google search brings back "did you mean this"  and every internet game i have, ive never been told the name already exists.

so if you see my name on another game, then your probably playing with me.
Title: Nickname
Post by: Sirbomber on February 17, 2010, 02:52:38 PM
Uhh, not to rain on your parade, but removing vowels from an existing word doesn't make it "unique"...
Title: Nickname
Post by: stckhlmsyndrme on February 17, 2010, 04:10:22 PM
actually no else seems to have thought of using the two words like that...

and really the only reason some of the vowels were removed is because the actual two words are longer than the number of characters that is allowed in a user name on some games. so inorder to keep it for all my games, i had to shorten it.