Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => GORF => Hall of Fame => Topic started by: 7842303 on September 15, 2007, 12:05:18 PM
i was thinking nukes for eden and it would be eather a large supernova blast or a supernova blast combined with a emp blast. nukes do generate emp. for prove, it says so in the emp reasuch. this wasnt were i learned that thou
Yes, because nukes and MAD certainly ensure human survival.
Learn to use the Search function (not the SHOUTBOX) to find out if your crappy ideas have already been discussed and shot down.
I don't think we need few mushrooms over Eden and Ply :P
it would be edens wepon against the emp missile, and it would be 10000 of each metal.
Stop trying to sell it to us. The answer is no.
The 14 people who already suggested a nuke couldn't convince us, and you won't either.
I think it's safe to say that most everyone agrees that dooms day weapons are a bad idea. Regardless of if it's a nuke, orbital ion cannon, or whatever. Most agree the EMP missile is big enough (and some think that's too much).
Everone else, don't beat him up too badly. All new guys do this. I think Savant even suggested a few extravagant things (but we love him now :ph34r: ). He who is designated 7842303 will figure things out...
Eden has Meteor Defence for EMP missiles having another ICBM that blows s*** up on grand scale is not needed nor should eden have it. Plymouth doesnt have a met def they would be wiped from the face of what ever planet.
Maybe a missile that just does a bit of damage (not too much) for Eden. It would be useful to dislocate units, just like Plymouth do but do better. It would have to have something that prevents you from making 10 missiles and launching them all on their CC though.. Range should be less than the EMP missile.
Just a quick thought :whistle:
Sorry :P Just because I haven't commented on a Nuke thread yet here on OPU.
I think a small tactical nuke for Eden is fine (on the order of a StarFlare or so).
Counter-balance because Plym doesn't have meteor defence:
1. Tac-nuke does not destroy any Heavy-Armor structure in 1 shot(CC, smelters, so on)
2. Should Eden's nuke strike any structure other than Guard Posts or Vehicles, the Eden player's morale will drop through the floor for an extended period of time.
Basically - if any killing of humans occurs due to mushroom clouds; Eden takes a huge morale hit; enough to offset the 1 or 2 potential Residences that got blown up in the process and give the Plym player an advantage.
2. Should Eden's nuke strike any structure other than Guard Posts or Vehicles, the Eden player's morale will drop through the floor for an extended period of time.
Basically - if any killing of humans occurs due to mushroom clouds; Eden takes a huge morale hit; enough to offset the 1 or 2 potential Residences that got blown up in the process and give the Plym player an advantage.
Exactly. It might seem that Eden and Ply are mortal enemies, but most of them don't have the guts to shoot each other. That's why there are used un-manned guards posts and vechicles.
Unlike other games, killing here drops morale (well, I think) so, any things that kill people are really, really bad.
Yes, killing does drop morale.
Ironicly, the AI always attack mission-critical buildings, but leave certain others alone (Residences, Nurseries, Universities, and Agridomes).
Nukes are a kill-all element at the end of the tech tree in many RTSs. Short answer, no, I wouldn't want a nuke in OP3.
Long answer; Where the heck are they going to get their plutonium and refine it? The advanced labs?
it takes a lot to build an A-bomb, and in a place where the only thing separating you from instant death is a wall and a pressurized environment, there are better ways to kill enemy colonists than drying to drop a massive nuclear device on them.
That is, if you're the sadistic sort who attacks the colonists simply for the hell of it.
And I'm half certain that the Enlightened Leaders of Earth didn't include nuclear weaponry in the 'encrypted military files' for the MAD reason. The only way I can think of their inclusion would be if the colonists faced some kind of evil alien menace out to extinguish mankind.
you forget too, why would eden or plymouth want to nuke each other? they understand that in this vast universe, they are the last humans alive!
nukes would only worsen their situation on New Terra by now adding irradiated ground they couldnt settle on. It wouldnt sit well with either of the colony's populations, and where are they going to get weapons grade uranium or plutonium? especially uranium cause w/o that you cant get plutonium
i play this game for the approach on combat that de-emphasizes mass killing, dont make this a starcraft, besides: a nuclear missile would annihilate a large portion of a large map, and in the case of smaller maps: the WHOLE THING! :blink:
ok sorry. but the damage scale would be:
light: 1500 damage*
med: 750 damage
hevey: 500 damage
none: instant kill
*this is prety much still one hit kill
If you want nukes, go play defcon (http://www.everybody-dies.com/).
I presume most of us like to play outpost for the whole "colony in space" feeling. Guns is only part of the equation, not the whole.
i agree though i do like crumbling ppl under my fist, most of why i like playing the game is building thiving and see how my empire turns out. and using nukes would make it to easy even if it was only against vehicles and gaurd posts. i would suggest more of a poison bomb or radiaition bomb or something that causes a long horrible and painful death not instant whats the fun in that?
#1 Nukes would make camping more than possible, it would make camping preferred.
#2 Why would nukes goto eden! Thats more of Plymouth's style. REMEMBER NO JUST FOR BALANCE FEATURES!
#3 Also any scale of missile that has limitless range no matter how weak it is would most likely be abused.
Heck I'm not even a big fan of the emp missile because it makes it possible to completely shred your enemy apart.