Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Sirbomber on July 22, 2007, 11:19:07 AM
What do you consider to be a high attack mark?
What is that?
800-1000 is definitely high. Setting an AM that high almost always ends up in a stalemate.
Anything above 500..
What is that?
What is what?
I don't know about Arklon but anything over 300 is high
All attack marks are high :/
All attack marks are high :/
So you'd much rather do a Pie Chart superrush? You only get 1% of the game that way.
All attack marks are high :/
So you'd much rather do a Pie Chart superrush? You only get 1% of the game that way.
not necessarily. Fight of the rushers, and watch it turn into a longer more interesting game. Not all no am games end within the first five minutes. But yeah, Pie Chart superrush is quite fun! :D
All attack marks are high :/
So you'd much rather do a Pie Chart superrush? You only get 1% of the game that way.
not necessarily. Fight of the rushers, and watch it turn into a longer more interesting game. Not all no am games end within the first five minutes. But yeah, Pie Chart superrush is quite fun! :D
It usually doesn't work that way. Back on WON, Pie Chart games that started as superrushes (which was pretty much the only damn thing anybody played, which is one of the reasons why I hate it), almost always ended as superrushes. It was very rare to see anything like a spaceport go up (hell, I only remember 1 or 2 games where that actually happened). Not to mention those games enforce Plymouth-only (Eden = instant loss, unless the Plymouth players weren't the most experienced people), making them less diverse.
but were on IRC :P
301 - 400 is perfect its the highest AM i would go to. By then the bulk of the research should be done for the combat vecs and there should be rare smelters set up.
About Pie chart its a horrible map that needs a make over.
but were on IRC :P
But superrushes now are gonna end up being the same as they were back on WON, at least for the people who still bother to maintain the keyboard mashing ability to do it.
301 - 400 is perfect its the highest AM i would go to. By then the bulk of the research should be done for the combat vecs and there should be rare smelters set up.
On land rush games with a BM of 80-100, though, this happens around 400-500.
About Pie chart its a horrible map that needs a make over.
It's one of the two LoS maps that are actually any good (the others have horribly placed ore, have size problems, or have terrain problems). The only problems I see with it are that the ore along the edges can make the game based on luck, and that the center is too small for anyone to be able to try to take it from a formidable opponent (you pretty much have to attack from within your front door area, which is a bottleneck), and, of course, that it was overplayed to death.
I'd like to see how making the map bigger (mostly making the middle bigger) and sticking a La Co-like AI in it would influence gameplay. Unfortunately, the next map size up, 256x256, would make everything way too damn big.
I totall agree with Freeza-CII for a change
Ark, 256 x 256 isn't all that big...but I have always hated pie, it isn't a map for strategy, it's a map of who-can-build-fastest, which takes the fun out of the game for people like me who like to come up with attack plans and such
and freeza's right, for LOS 301 - 400 is an okay AM, but I wouldn't count on an AM helping anyone that much.
i voted 601-800
it seams a good number
About Pie chart its a horrible map that needs a make over.
Ive started to make over this map, current version in the download release uses the wrong dll data. Same with Enter The Dragon, its messed up in the current release.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Improved_Pie_Chart (http://wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Improved_Pie_Chart)
Well I never play with an attack mark but I would think 150 should be a normal attack mark and 200-300 would be a high attack mark.