Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => GORF => Hall of Fame => Topic started by: Savant 231-A on April 15, 2007, 11:32:49 AM
Infra-Red Sensors
A small description:
While vechicles are easily spoted when attacking beacuse of their light, the usage of IR sensor should be adapted.
It wouldn't make that vechicles wouldn't have to use light anymore, just in smaller numbers. (or prolly an advanced research could take care of that)
I think that IR sensors shouldn't be researched, beacuse it is very simple. It should automatically come with vechs.
E.g. vechs see-zone is 15 squares, enemy sees it as 5 squares... or less
Now it depends will it be used as IR LED's (light emmiting diodes) or another type of it.
The only bad thing is that (thumbsdown) IR could be detected by sensors.
IR can also be blocked by landforms. Unless you intend on makeing hills and such block these sensors, it doesn't really add a whole lot. Its not particularly useful during the day, and its usefulness depends on how hot the planet is going to be. Additionally, lots of atmospheric dust can distort an IR image to be undecipherable. Radar is a bit more effective, with a lot longer range. But it also suffers from some of the same problems.
yes, i posted this IR topic to duiscuss and see will it be affective.
Seems that radar would be a better idea.
Savant look up FLIR i think that would be better for your idea.
Forward-Looking Infrared Radar... I Totally forgot on it.
The thing that helicopters have( aiming ), and on borders (to prevent illegals from crossing the border illiegaly)
I think that it is that thing similiar to Thermal Googles
Thanks Freeza. :)
So why not get an orbital satalie uplink. It cant be effected by the same things and it has a much widder area. You could build a network of them and have continuis feed for anywhere on the planet transmitted anywhere on the planet. But that might be to big a thing so it might not be good for in game...
That would require a skydock and resources in orbit or a spaceport!
or just have a FLIR sat that give the players main window another mode but there should be a disatvantage while in this mode.
So why not get an orbital satalie uplink. It cant be effected by the same things and it has a much widder area. You could build a network of them and have continuis feed for anywhere on the planet transmitted anywhere on the planet. But that might be to big a thing so it might not be good for in game...
would this not be GPS?
Yes pretty much. But the op2 way is to launch only one sat.
GPS is too spyish.
FLIR seems more reasonable.
One could launch a sattelite that provides IR vision across the landscape.
Enemy vehicles would appear in neon colors over a darker landscape... but then again, clouds and the like could obscure vision and mask their approach. Same thing with the air around volcanoes/lava.