Outpost Universe Forums

Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: Oprime on April 05, 2007, 10:14:58 PM

Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Oprime on April 05, 2007, 10:14:58 PM
Hey guys I was looking around to check out the new games for vista and what I seen/could hear was a little interesting. I sware the voice of the new game command and conqure 3 sounds just like the OP2 savant! check this out

http://www.gamespot.com/pages/video_player...8129&pid=932602 (http://www.gamespot.com/pages/video_player/popup.php?sid=6168129&pid=932602)

*edit* damn tho if OP3 looked like this... @.@!
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: dm-horus on April 06, 2007, 12:14:04 AM
i think you have it backwards. the op2 savant sounds like every other video game computer voice. chicken and the egg.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Ro@m on April 06, 2007, 01:53:07 AM
Well it sounds almost the same......
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Freeza-CII on April 06, 2007, 02:00:48 AM
thats because they all look for the same kinda female voice.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: dm-horus on April 06, 2007, 09:34:55 AM
On a side note, this is the third RTS to be released that features a race that has units suspiciously similar the the tripod walkers in war of the worlds. Are we supposed to decide which franchise has the better looking ripoff? :P
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Arklon on April 06, 2007, 09:38:04 AM
On a side note, this is the third RTS to be released that features a race that has units suspiciously similar the the tripod walkers in war of the worlds. Are we supposed to decide which franchise has the better looking ripoff? :P
And UT3 has vehicles like that, too. :P
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Hooman on April 06, 2007, 04:58:21 PM
Doesn't really sound all that much alike to me. Maybe you've just got OP2 on the brain.

And I still fail to see people's fascination with 3D graphics like that. They don't strike me as any more appealing than good 2D graphics. Maybe even a little less appealing. Especially when you consider the increased hardware requirements to play such a game. On the other hand, the low resolution video probably wasn't the most flattering. But still, the concept just eludes me.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Oprime on April 10, 2007, 08:04:55 AM
On the other hand, the low resolution video probably wasn't the most flattering. But still, the concept just eludes me.

o.o I watched the 700k bit rate vid and it looked fine to me
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: White Claw on April 10, 2007, 09:09:24 PM
I agree with Hooman. I hate when I have to upgrade my computer just to get a game to play. Or my computer can handle it, but just barely. And the game either sucks, or it runs like crap just so I can have some fancy graphics or new effect (especially 3D).

I'd rather have a game with pretty good graphics and awesome gameplay. (Like OP2!) I also enjoy playing good old Sim City 2000 and Roller Coaster Tycoon. They don't have fantastic graphics, but they're awesome to play. (Well, RCT graphics are pretty good, but they're definitely dated.)

I guess I'm just getting old. Where's my 8-Track of "Tears of a Clown". (Does anybody even know what that is?) Sorry, that's way off topic. No replies necessary...  :P  
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Oprime on April 13, 2007, 12:04:05 AM
o.o new computers are so cheap to build. I can build a comp with dual core, 1GB ram, 300GB hard drive, and decent graphics card for like $400~$500.
most likely even less if I use older parts in the build.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Hooman on April 13, 2007, 02:21:31 AM
That's still assuming you have 400$ to 500$ to spend. I would expect to find most people here in two large categories. Those without jobs, and hence no 400$ to 500$ to spend, or people like poor university students who have better things to spend it on, like school. Considering you'll probably be stuck in school for 4 years or so, and you'll have amassed a large debt during that time, that 400$ to 500$ will most likely be on credit. Paying interest on that for the 4+ years that you have that debt hanging around actually comes out to a fair bit more.  :(  
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Freeza-CII on April 13, 2007, 03:32:58 AM
for other people just the computer isnt enough because then you have this old ass monitor on a kick ass computer.  Or you might have to buy a adapter to use the old CRT on the card or just buy a LCD.  Its not always so simple.  Not to mention that alot of games are going to have quite the gayness and only work on Vista forcing people to use a expensive new OS that no one really needs yet.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Oprime on April 20, 2007, 02:03:49 PM
$50 comp case
$30 motherboard w/on-board sound and video
$70 athlon64 x2 3600+
$10 keyboard+mouse
$130 19" widescreen lcd monitor
$40 160GB HD
$30 DVD-RW
$30 512MB DDR2 800
$0 Linux OS

Thats $390 for a decent machine.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Freeza-CII on April 21, 2007, 02:31:02 PM
Pff Linux Not every one wants linux.  And dont tell me how uber it is its not that uber is just another os.  Plus onboard sound and video totaly blow for the sake of saving cash.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Oprime on April 21, 2007, 05:45:19 PM
lol I never said it was for gaming or w/e but its decent for most things. That athlon64 x2 3600+ could probly be way better then most peoples computers on these forums tho :P. I've checked it xD. Its about 2-3 times more powerful then my computers CPU overclocked. Overclocked the 3600+ to about 3Ghz easy for like 4 times the power of my athlonxp 3200+ for only $135 (CPU + motherboard + Ram). Thats pretty much bang for your buck right there.

*edit* When you consider that my athlonxp 3200+ cost me $160 when I got it (CPU alone) o.o;;.
Title: Oh Man You Guys Have To Watch This Oo
Post by: Fenrisul on April 22, 2007, 12:21:03 PM
I played C&C3 thru and thru :P  Its worth the GPU power lol.  STUNNING graphics made that game fun (and its the only thing that kept me playing as NOD).  And yes, the Tripod walkers are straight ripped out of War of the Worlds lmao... "Work horns" and all! :D  BUT that doesn't make them less awesome.