Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: Savant 231-A on February 18, 2007, 03:52:34 AM
I got the Op2 Demo at 1998, version .... 1.2? is it? (i don't remeber it...) I played the demo in 1999, before a year ago, scrolling the old BUG cd's i found Outpost 2 demo.... Than i got to these forums....
Nope. Never had it. Wish I at least got to see it though... I suppose it might be available on the internet somewhere?
Sure....Most of those pages that you can download games (demo games) have op2 demo. (i think)
Here: (http://www.google.com/search?hl=hr&q=Download+Outpost+2+demo&btnG=Tra%C5%BEi&lr=)
(search where you would to download it)
http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/d...op2demopre1.exe (http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/downloads/op2demopre1.exe) Pre-release demo #1
http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/d...op2demopre2.exe (http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/downloads/op2demopre2.exe) Pre-release demo #2
http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/d...op2demopost.exe (http://users.outpost2.net/arklon/downloads/op2demopost.exe) Post-release demo
Well, I guess you took care of that... Are these the ultra-blue security clearance versions? I don't want my computer to melt...
only if its made out of copper toobs.
Oh man. I'm such a liar :o . You guys got me thinking (and smoke started coming out my ears, but that's a different story)...
I realized that I used to subscribe to PC gamer. So I started going through my old junk and found out that I had not thrown out all my old computer crap. I was like a star trek nerd in my dead uncle's basement. Not only did I find the "Outpost 2" demo on my July 1997 PC Gamer Disk 3.4, it is in mint condition. B)
And as an added bonus, I had not thrown out my old game manuals either :D . I found my OP2 :op2: original manual in near mint condition (one of the corners has a slight bend about a centimeter long). I was afraid to touch it with my bare hands. :(
So, what does the bidding start at?
yeah ive still got my original op2 disk but man its scratched all to hell. i dont think theres a consumer-available disk cleaner out there that would save it. maybe if i brought it somewhere.... meh. its not really worth anything now.
I still have my original OP2 disk too. I still play the "disk" or non-OPU version about 50% of the time. I don't know why, it just feels different. More like old times.
I'd say my disk is in excellent condition. A few minor blemishes but nothing damaging...
I have 7+ original op2 discs :] Although this is getting off topic lol.
I had the OP2 demo, but I got it from the site, not from a promotion of any sort =/
I got the Op2 Demo at 1998, version .... 1.2? is it? (i don't remeber it...) I played the demo in 1999, before a year ago, scrolling the old BUG cd's i found Outpost 2 demo.... Than i got to these forums....
I too got it from the same CD....
Can't remember wich number....
I got the Op2 Demo at 1998, version .... 1.2? is it? (i don't remeber it...) I played the demo in 1999, before a year ago, scrolling the old BUG cd's i found Outpost 2 demo.... Than i got to these forums....
I too got it from the same CD....
Can't remember wich number....
Check Bug CD: Rujan 9/97
There is no number, the CD color is white
You should find it there.
yeah ive still got my original op2 disk but man its scratched all to hell. i dont think theres a consumer-available disk cleaner out there that would save it. maybe if i brought it somewhere.... meh. its not really worth anything now.
horus, there's a scratch-solution available at Big Lots (don't know if there's one near you) that is amazing on scratches. I had a Lead Zeplin CD at home with a deep 3" long scratch on it. Used the solution on it, and now the CD plays perfectly
As long as the painted side is intact, you can fix the other side. (All the data is stored on the painted side, as I'm sure you already know... :D )
i don't have the demo, but i hold the original CD :D
still, i prefer to play OPU version because of the hi-res, and for compatibility issues with winxp (my client crashes when i try to quit from main menu)