Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on January 09, 2007, 06:54:44 PM
Did you play Outpost 2 on SIGS or WON ?
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Started playing online winter 98'
only on WON though
I played this on WON when i was about 8 years old lol couldn't type for crap and wasn't very good all i knew was Thor's hammer rocks!
I only played on WON, I didn't know SIGS was different from WON.
SIGS was before WON. Before WON came along and did Sierra's multilayer for them.
Not sure how long SIGS lasted for before WON came about.
SIGS and WON software were almost the same I believe.
lol.. the only vote on IRC so far... hehe
Sadly I wasn't aware that something called the internet even existed. LOL.
I had the game when it FIRST came out. Something interesting... It was my life for quite some time XD. Sad really. lol
Just on WON 'cause my parents didn't like the language being used on SIGS
Just on IRC unfortunately.. I didn't have the net back then so I would play against my brother over a null modem cable. So I was playing back then, but xD
wow I almost forgot about SIGS. But now that you mention it, I remember it was a pain in the arse cause I knew nothing about the change over from SIGS to WON and I had a REALLY bad computer, so one day I log in and I gotta dl this new stuff, and my computer can't handle it. So I had to delete a bunch of stuff and uninstall a bunch of stuff in order to get on WON. grrr they take it over only to shut it down. They need something like battle.net has where you can play several different games but interact on the same server
I have only played on IRC I just started hearing about WON 2 years ago
IRC is great
Played on WON and received my password email on Dec. 15 1996... If you didn't play on WON, you missed out! And I believe Sigs starts on release of op2 and ended Novemberish.
I played on SIGS and WON, I was Ra the sun god, befor I was Sethsof
never heard of won is it still active?
No. We play on IRC now.
i played on sigs about 2 months before it switched to won, and had played other won games before i even herd of op2
hello ppl
Hello Cyan.
All hail the long time leader of the Panther clan (thumbsup)
so what is everyone up to now days?
Join us on IRC for games Cyan! :D
Yup, Games would be good!
i played the pre release and post release demos. not sure if i played sigs but i certainly played won. this game ate a few years of my life and thats an understatement.
Hey OriginalOP2 hope to see you around soon! :)
Hey there I played on one and sucked :P, but i would really like to give a whirl again on IRC but for some reason It is not letting me connect ((i guess there is where you say "Idiot! there are like 5o other threads on this(I know this but the issue is i have no clue what is what, a lot of it is not located in the official IRC forum)) I cant rember really how old I was on won but to give a hint, maby some one will tell me, I am 18 now.
Yeah, that's off topic, but... Oh well.
What error message (if any) does it give you?
Started on WON 99' Bought a cheap PC game for my first PC.
I played on started playin on SIGS about 3months before it switched to WON.
I am the guru of the Black Dragon clan Skéch :P Du Habla!
Hah, I remember that.. DU HABLA!!!
I wish i was on won or sigs, I think i got the CD game after they closed (2005-ish?) I can't remember, but I never played multiplayer when i first got it becuase i could not find an ip address, then i found you guys! :)
Which was the #th happiest day of my life!
i got the game somewhere around 1998, installed it and played it for less than 5 minutes before putting it away in my closet due to the fact i didnt have the patience to figure out how to play
a couple years later on a rainy day i found the game and installed it and gave it a shot... i sure regret not playing it sooner... its such a good game
i played on won off and on around 2000 or 2001 i cant remember honestly.. i miss the chat room for won it was a really cool set up.
Never, just on XMMP. :D
I played on WON and am trying to play again if games are ever organized
Remember when there were tourneys on fridays. haha oh boy such weird memories
Started on WoN and anyone else remember ARC? man I miss that game also.
Yeah I used to play ARC with a few guys from WON. Got introduced to it by members of PA I think.