Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Exile on January 07, 2007, 08:57:22 PM
Okay i just got hamichi yay i get to play well heres the problem i don't see anybodys game people can see mine but can't join aswell as people can't see my ping whats my problem? and for those of you who think it might be no my firewall is not blocking OP2 or hamichi
Hes setup OP2 and Hamachi and Hamachi is clearly working. We get green light to him and I can see his game when he hosts it but if fails to join it.
Okay my computer doesn't show games so i can't join people can see my games yet not join if they try to ping me i don't pick up whats the problem? :unsure:
Be sure that you have done either one of the following:
A- Configured your router/firewall to forward traffic on UDP ports 47776-47807 to your computer.
B- Installed Hamachi - http://www.hamachi.cc/ (http://www.hamachi.cc/) - to play with others also using Hamachi.
If you can't forward ports for some reason, for example you are in a corporate or school network, someone else has changed the password on the router and you have no physical access to it, or some other reason Hamachi is your only choice.
Read http://www.outpostuniverse.net/index/network (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/index/network) for more information on both methods.