Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Kal on August 01, 2003, 07:22:19 AM
I know a few of you guys have a broadband connection. I've got a cable modem and a router, but I just haven't quite figured out how to get a TCP/IP game going with a friend of mine, who also has a Cable modem & router.
How have you guys solved this problem?
-Kal :blink:
Did anyone have this problem to begin with? I can't even get into the IRC client when I'm using my router at home.
well my friend just got DSL and while he had 56k my friend and I would tcp/ip games all the time, but now that he has DSL we cant, our names dont show up on the list
im hoping that when I get DSL (when my dad gets off his lazy butt and orders it) we can have games again
Hmm...Hopefully we can figure it out. I'm told that if I was plugged directly into the cable modem I could play, but my Router is the problem...rats!
Gah! I have this same problem! X_X
Oh well got 2 phone lines..
we found the problem was my friends firewall, it was masking his ip, so I couldnt find him
i've been playing with op2 behind cable, routers, whatever for a while, and i've figured out these:
if ur behind a router, it's not possible to host without getting your computer directly connected to the internet, since none of the routers seem to be able to handle some of the messages a op2 host sends to the users
you can join someone else not behind a router or firewall though, but you have to forward 47800, 47777, and/or 47776, TCP and/or UDP to your computer(i set these all while i was trying to figure out the port #s outpost uses, but i'm pretty sure you dont need one or two for it to work)
that is alos a good thing to do, but some can hoat if on a router, best thing to do is use dmz hoating along with the aprriate ports opened,now but what can slo mest up things is if have dialup modem on the comp the ip protocol will mask the the lan ip protocol so u cnat see the otehr persons game or see yours, so to fix it dlete the ip protocol for the dialup woola fixed, had some problem fixed it, but i used a link sys router htye one of the better 1 to use if for gameing less problems to worry about if u leave at defualt settings u prety much dont need to mest with anythuing,
My router never let's me connect
But I don't think it's my firewall, cus my router dosen't seem to have one.....hmmmm.......
easyist way 2 test if u can play usin TCP/IP is:
1. run op2, go2 multiplayer, go2 tcp/ip, click create. there it will show ur IP.
2. go2 start menu, run, and type cmd. in the cmd window type ipconfig. all ur IPs u have will come up, network ip, net ips etc.
3. If the IP on OP2 matchs your net IP shown on the ipconfig then u will b able 2 play.
If op2 is not showing ur net IP then u cant play using TCP/IP.
If u have a network u will have a net ip. so if u take our ur network cable u will no longer have a network ip and threfore will b able 2 play.
if u are unfortunate enuff not 2 have ur net connection on ur own comp then u clearly cant take ur network cable out.
tho people with this problem can usealy play using VPN. i need 2 rite a toutural on this..
im sorry i odnt see how that works with takeing the patch cable out because if u did and are connected to a router no more interent net not enless u do a direct connect but still no matter, what makes the network ip is haveing the lan card not a cable, if u have a lan card installed win makes a ip alrdy for it if set to do it austmaically, u jsut have to do some config in the netwrok setup thats any can play not enless for some reason u got a mest up routern, but msot routers have a nat device that is a firewall, but most ppl dont know how to access them to do some changes to it. but u can do it i did, and i didnt need to take out netwrok cable, usually it haveing to to different internt connection deivses that messes u up, so u need to disable the ip for the 1 u are not using becasue op2 wont disguinsh from the both. wich dum, but it is an old game. but wut lev said about checking to see if op2 is using the irght ip, if not then u will have to do some chnges to the netwrok options or the router if u know how. but it can be done u jsut need the know how :) i would help if i was there but ppl dont seem to understand me. if u need help or questions email me at ripperkhan@hotmail.com ill try as lev said get a help thing on playing mulipayer through a router or network,