Outpost Universe Forums

Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: TRIX Rabbit on March 12, 2006, 06:20:22 PM

Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: TRIX Rabbit on March 12, 2006, 06:20:22 PM
I was trying to edit multitek (extracted using OP2mapper) i change the amount of buildings a dirt could handle (to 30) the workers (to 1) and changed the armor of a panther (to 4 same as a tiger) but when i put it back into sheets.vol, op2 said:
Code: [Select]
 OUTPOST 2 PARSING ERROR: Could not read tech-entry line 1232

then it said
Code: [Select]
 ERROR: Could not initialize game

I was trying to play eden colony: population easy

BTW: Said line 1232 tells plymouth's cost for some research (2000)
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: Sirbomber on March 12, 2006, 06:51:00 PM
The only thing I can really say is don't screw around with techtrees unless you know what you're doing...

And your major mistake was overwriting the original. Shame on you!  ;)  
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: TRIX Rabbit on March 12, 2006, 06:56:07 PM
i didnt ovr/wrt the original. i always keep the original in a seperate folder.

i've done this once, but i used reVOLver, that was long time ago, and i really dont like op2 mapper (too buggy, not cartographer frendly)

i was testing to see if i could make panthers a little more battle-friendly
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: Sirbomber on March 12, 2006, 07:04:03 PM
Put the stuff that doesn't work here.
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: TRIX Rabbit on March 12, 2006, 07:13:17 PM

Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: Sirbomber on March 12, 2006, 07:21:31 PM
I meant could you post the parts that don't work? I'm too lazy to find out what line 1232 or whatever is.
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: TRIX Rabbit on March 12, 2006, 07:25:49 PM
you want the multitek file or a copy/ pasted exerpt?

the edited parts are DIRT Review and Hot-Cracking Columns
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: Sirbomber on March 12, 2006, 07:31:49 PM
Copy/paste the stuff you changed. Downloading things here never seems to work right for me...
Title: Multitek Problem
Post by: Eddy-B on March 13, 2006, 06:21:06 AM
Downloading works fine, Sirbomber - just use save as, and type in multitek.txt

---> I'll go thru it to see if something's wrong; but Sirbomber is rite: don't mess around if you don't know exactly what ur doing!

PS: The error line you supplied (1232) contains:
; Free Technologies

(which is a remark-line -- not an error)
So either the line number isn't correct, or the multitek.txt file that you've uploaded is not the same one you've compiled.