Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => Projects => Topic started by: Eddy-B on January 13, 2006, 03:58:56 PM
At this point i did not yet add a victory condition to the new Renegades Colony game.
What would you like to play ?
AI player will have same objective, except with population.
If you have some other objective, add a reply with the objective!
Perhaps more (unique) mission objectives... like:
- Destroy mining operation
- Capture something (a spaceship part, or a structure kit maybe?)
- Intercept some sort of convoy or important unit that leaves the map at a certain time, before it goes.
- Survive for X marks
What about combine all objective together so that would has have all of them done, now that be fun(at least idea of it :P)
I like starship-type most, because the player is quite free in his/her decisions. You can kill the ai right in the beginning (in order to be left alone for the rest of the game) as well as leave it there and have many fun combats. And you can - if you like - play without an end.
of course the ai wouldn't have that same objective.
Anyone else want to vote, coz it's almost evenly split now
After having a little test of it i think it should be to kill the AI and to grow the colony to a population. And maybe within a time limit :)
After having a little test of it i think it should be to kill the AI and to grow the colony to a population. And maybe within a time limit :)
time limits suck. and kill-the-enemy-games aren't the only good ones.
i vote "starship" :D
i vote for more varied objectives like op2hacker suggested. it would be interesting to have interception missions or infiltration. infiltrate and capture a starship part before the enemy base is destroyed by lava or something. Maybe even a resue mission where you have to continually send evac transports to another base's cc to evac their colonists before theyre destroyed while avoiding nme?
.... maybe i should make something like that.
agreed with dm horus, but it would be cool to have like, 5 other colonies, and you have to survive, doing other missions, ie: destroy cyan's rare ore smelter, and prevent cyan from re-building it. Then, you would need a pop of 300 or more, and launch satelite? evacuate?
Playing off of OP2 Rules' idea, how about a survival game where you must avoid mulitple lava streams (forced relocations), evacuate a number of other colonies, and still complete a starship with 200 population. The idea of the map design would be to have multiple volcanos that would eventually fill the entire map area with lava, forcing the player to build in smaller and smaller areas.
To make things harder, Lava Walls should be disabled so that a player cannot simply fortify their position.
Kill the AI sounds like the most fun, or maybe starship launch. Personally I like playing colony games in a sandbox kind of way.
Just slowly building up my colony, perhaps having some fights with the AI (Hopefully the ai will give me many many battles :D ) Yes, I play completely different in colony games then multiplayer :P
And definetly no time limits! Having no time limit means people can play it anyway they want. People that want a quick challenge, can try and rush the ai, while people that like playing longer games, can just take their time doing so.
As for missions, sounds like fun, but there should also be one more "open" colony game.