okay I am assuming you have configured everything the way that was shown.
Load CodeBlocks and load a new project. Now click on "sources" its about half way down on the left of the screen. Then click on Main.cpp You should now be looking at a script.
Now you need to make some changes:
number one. do you see were it says char MapName[] Â = "on4_01.map";
you need to change the map name to your map file name I suggest you make a new map that is covered by one map tile
now you need to look at this code below and decide if you want to make a multiplayer game or a singleplayer colony game
SDescBlock DescBlock = { MultiLastOneStanding, 4, 12, 0 };
its right now set up to do a multiplayer game if you want to do a colony game take the MultiLastOneStanding out and put in Colony. Now on to tech tree
char TechtreeName[] Â = "MULTITEK.TXT";
you see were it says MULTITEK.TXT now you could leave it like that but you don't get to pick if your Eden or plymoth okay so lets replace that with EDENTEK.TXT
Now there is one more major thing you need to do. Look for this code in the script
you need to change this or you will not be able to do anything so lets change this to Trigger population = CreateResourceTrigger(1, 1, resColonists, 400, 0, cmpGreaterEqual, "NoResponseToTrigger");
CreateVictoryCondition(1, 0, population, "Have 400 Colonists.");
Now you have what I would call a testing colony game. You will be able to load this in the game and look at what you have done.
Oh you need to do one more thing you need to click compile at the top of the screen Now exit Codeblocks and go to the folder were you made this script you should see a file labled OP2Script.dll rename it too Ctt.dll you can name it anything but if you are making a test colony game like I have shown you need to to have the first letter in the name be a C Now cut this file and move it to the main folder in OP2 and if everything was done right you will be able to see and load it from the colony game part in Outpost 2
I hope this will help you. I am still learning how to make colony missions and this is what I use to test code