Outpost Universe Forums

Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Hooman on September 20, 2005, 10:07:09 PM

Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: Hooman on September 20, 2005, 10:07:09 PM
We're currently testing a new version of the NatFix patch. This new version should require no setup or maintenance by the user.

It be nice if a few people who play OP2 try out the patched exe I've put up. It's kinda advised that everyone playing use the same exe though, so be sure to check if the people you are playing are gonna be using the new patch as well. It's not exactly entirely compatible with the old patch. For that reason, I've written up some instructions on installing/using the patch (and what trouble might occur if you try using it without reading the instructions  <_< ). The file convers both conflicts with an older version of NatFix on your computer, and what will likely happen if you play against someone using a difference version of NatFix.

The relevant files are:
Instructions (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/~hooman/NewNatFixPatch.txt)
Patched EXE (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/~hooman/Outpost2_NewNatFixTest.exe)

So, hopefully constantly updating your external IP address to use will become a thing of the past.  :)

Reply with any test results, be they success or failure.

Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: thablkpanda on September 20, 2005, 10:17:14 PM

Props to hooman, saves me some serious time (checking my ip, patching it in, pressing the button.. lol)

Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: Leviathan on September 21, 2005, 04:58:14 AM
I have allready tested this and its great :)

But yes, Hooman needs more people to test it because there may be a few cases where it wont work.
Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: Freeza-CII on September 21, 2005, 07:39:11 PM
I tested it with panda worked like a f***ing dream.  Hooman needs a dollar for this one.
Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: Hooman on November 01, 2005, 11:38:43 PM
Anyone else interested in testing this one? It'd be nice to have a bit more feedback. I know the links to the exe are broken now, but I'm unable to fix them at the moment. If someone is interested, I can send the patched exe directly.
Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: leeor_net on November 02, 2005, 12:42:36 PM
Would love to help in the testing... but I don't know if I have time to play a full game of OP2.
Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: Hooman on November 03, 2005, 08:37:32 PM
Yeah, I don't really have the time to play a bunch of games either. I've kinda done all the "short" tests that I can think of. I'm pretty sure it's good, but it'd be nice if people would do some testing with long games just to be absolutely sure.
Title: New Natfix Test
Post by: spirit1flyer on November 03, 2005, 11:03:42 PM
next time I get a chance to play a game I will test the long game part for you  :P