Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on September 07, 2005, 10:47:55 AM
How many people would regulary play in a Outpost 2 1v1 ladder??
I know I would.. ;)
I just signed up for one a couple weeks ago but it was old :( . spanther was hosting it i think (it was for the pie map)
i would try to be regular player... i just have to work around classes. so i can say 3 days out of the week ill be on.....
yea could be a good idea i'm in even if i hate 1:1
Why not!
I am in.
But beware, I have improved a lot; You can ask Tellaris and Freeza-CII :heh:
I would try but I need to get my computer back up and running.
I am in just point me to the singe up sheet :D
I would want to.
sure!!! Practice makes perfect ^_^