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Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Euro on August 22, 2005, 03:45:21 AM

Title: Ground Up
Post by: Euro on August 22, 2005, 03:45:21 AM
Has anyone ever thouhof making OP2 from the ground up? Like step-by-step as a way to teach newcomers to c++ how to write an engine like that? I mean use the sae graphics and all but your own code.
Title: Ground Up
Post by: TH300 on August 22, 2005, 06:04:23 AM
Yea, someone has thought of remaking op2, but dropped it.

And it is probably a waste of time. If you want to learn programming/game-programming search the internet for tutorials. There are plenty.

The only point in remaking op2 could be to give us more freedom in editing the game, but since op2 is fine as is (apart from how it handles multiplayer-games), that won't be necessary.
Title: Ground Up
Post by: Leviathan on September 02, 2005, 11:01:52 AM
I hope one day we can remake op2 and make a op2 clone.

Rally points etc.. :D
Title: Ground Up
Post by: Hooman on September 02, 2005, 02:43:59 PM
Yse, but how much would get changed in a remake? It might end up not being the same game with all the "features" and "upgrades" people will want to implement.

Anyways, I like the idea. It'd be nice to have a game that wasn't hacked to pieces, and was easier to extend. But it'd also take a very long time to write and there's a good chance people won't have the interest in writing it for as long as required.
Title: Ground Up
Post by: Mez on September 02, 2005, 03:47:50 PM
I think what people want is Half-life style mods.

however the outpost game engine just wont support mods in this way.

So when ever a "mod" is made it requires a new copy of the game.
Title: Ground Up
Post by: Leviathan on September 04, 2005, 06:31:12 AM
Yea Hooman it would/will take very long time for the game to be completed.

With us being able to have total control we would have the option for it to be like op2 and be able to play with upgrades. But theres not much point in talking about it now.

We are contentrating on improving op2 and not other new projects mainly.
Title: Ground Up
Post by: thablkpanda on September 26, 2005, 03:47:20 PM
A rewrite would be awesome-

We could change the way the game 'parses' (wrong 'coding word'?) for .dll files, so we can make them whatever format we want them to be (a.k.a simplified mission coding?? PLEASE!! lol)

Edit the interface, multiplayer is screwed the (ahem) up.

I'd add a few units.. that'd be hot too.

It's not too hard to reverse-engineer a .exe and it's .dll's, however the issue is who really wants to work on a 'neverending' project?
