Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: Stormy on July 19, 2005, 08:33:42 PM
I found this REALLY cool program called Blender..... It looks EXTREMELY overwhelming when you first see it...but its SO easy after you get the basic interface down....
http://www.blender3d.org/documentation/htmlI/ (http://www.blender3d.org/documentation/htmlI/)
Link dont work.
aparently, their server is having problems like Punboy's does <_< :angry: :blink:
Have you tryed Rihno for making 3d models?? its a free one
Blender3D is a great and extremely powerful 3D rendering program which is capable of producing graphical scenes that look like they were rendered with 3D Studio MAX. It's free and it's open source and it has a published book that can be bought either online or at any large bookstore (Barne's N Noble/Borders/etc.)
Either way, it's a neat program but unless you're willing to sit down and work for hours learning the interface, it may not be a good program for you. As the laws of our world suggest, the more powerfull and effective something is, the more complex its interface. There's no exception with Blender.
Definatly a program for those who don't want to pay thousands of dollars for a commercial suite. Definatly not a program for programmers.
I forgot to mention... the link stormy provided is way too specific. Use the following link:
http://www.blender3d.org (http://www.blender3d.org)
If you want the ultimate 3d/Animation you have to go with Maya. As far as i know imo Maya is the best there is.
I have sort of gotten the basic interface down, its pretty neat once you get it.. it just ... clicks..
Anyway, that specific link was for tutorials... :P for those of you who wanna learn it...
Oh, and I know of something BETTER than Maya... but it only costs 7 grand if you get the "Unlimited" version...
(although you can get it for $500)
Softimage|XSI !!!
-Used for games like Prince of Persia... and many others... Looks like what they use at Pixar!
(uses an interface similar to Maya, so If anyone else wants to get into 3D like I am,, First let me know, Then Download MS3D. Learn the basics to 3D... Then maybe move to Blender... If you want to 'move up'... Just go out and Buy Maya... But I wouldn't buy it unless you have the basics for 3D down.. otherwise its somewhat a waste...)
To be completely honest, I'm unconcerned with 3D graphics programs. I use MilkShape 3D to create low-polygon models. I don't need to create anything high-poly. Besides... MS3D is in my price-range... about $20.
Anyway, I'd say Blender has a LOT of potential. It's become quite huge and is more than capable of many things. Of course, I wouldn't know first-hand because I don't use it, but... oh well.
For 3d modeling ive used 3ds max 5. also can do animation etc