Outpost Universe Forums
Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: Leviathan on June 30, 2005, 08:13:35 PM
Well coding pages is gonna be the bigest part of the wiki. What do people want etc?
Ive created the pages for all the files in Outpost2_Internal_Info.zip (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/files/coding/Outpost2_Internal_Info.zip) and other people need to finish pasteing the text onto them and creating the tables, thx.
I thought a list of all exported classes and functions and what evea with detailed explanation and so on would be nice.
This would be best in msdn style:
- brief description
- function declaration
- list of arguments
- return value
- remarks
- example
- needed header files / system version
- related articles
Of course this would be a lot of work, but it'd make it a lot easier for newbies (and also experienced coders) to find their way through dll programming.
Also most of the existing articles need rewriting cause a table or memory address can't be enough.
I don't wanna urge anybody to do that immediately. However I'll write the op2_art page once i find some time.
I thought a list of all exported classes and functions and what evea with detailed explanation and so on would be nice.
Working on it.. Go to wiki (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/SDK_Headers)
makeing a program to output everythign to the proper wiki chart thingy
Please login and post your wanted projecs on this wiki page:
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Wanted_Projects (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Wanted_Projects)
... 404'd.
But - another quick addition request, perhaps for a few newer people, would be how to compile the code to a .dll to run it. And possibly an addition to the 'how to compile'... toss a "compiling troubleshooting" section in.
Why? Because I'm tired of fixing my friends' problems when they're working on this AI with me. Each time someone moves to compile, I get the phone call at 1:30 AM with the "How do I... (x)" where (x) is some function of a compiler available. Then when it doesn't work... I get the phone call at 2:30 AM with the "(y) doesn't work!" where (y) is some function of said compiler. Granted, I'm not usually sleeping, and am usually working on something at 1-2 AM, I don't feel like troubleshooting trivial crap over the phone. Know what I mean?
Yeah, the wiki isn't working currently. There are some problems with the web host. The admins here are working on getting all that stuff up and working.
The compiler and troublshooting section is a good idea. We've been thinking of making section for those for a while now. Doesn't seem like we've gotten around to getting a page up to deal with that really (unless there was a non functional one on the wiki).
has anyone used my wiki tabler program at all?
I'm half tempted to ask if anyone has used the wiki at all. :o
I have yet to post anything to the wiki (or even really read much on it) so I haven't used it. Which is a bit odd since this is exactly the type of thing I wanted for coding progress. Yet so far, I've been a little too lazy to learn how to use a new system.
Btw, any word on when we can start using the wiki again? It seems like it's been down for quite a while.
Hooman, there is nothing to learn... its super easy to use, so get to it and help us out :) Same goes for everyone! Everyone can help, just ask if your not sure what to do.
And the wiki will be back up soon.
The wiki is now operating at http://wiki.opu.org.uk/ (http://wiki.opu.org.uk/)
Have fun! :)