Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on May 06, 2005, 02:02:01 PM
World Domination has started. To play, msg me so I can add you to the site gamers list, then once of that you can sign up for WD :)
outpostuniverse.net/wd (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/wd/)
Last time we played WD it was fine.. its not working now, sorry. We have to wait for someone who knows PHP to fix it. hacker wont be back till sunday.
Error - 'Column count doesn't match value count at row 1'
Plese sign up tho! Once its fixed we will be playing it, there is no time limit, its on-going.
I have to admit, the World Domination thing is a great idea. Mad props to whoever thought of it (assuming Lev). We needed something like that back when we still had WON.
Yeah i came up with the idea long ago... years ago :)
Hacker finialy coded it for me, we played it for a while and now we have restarted it.
Cant wait till its fixed.
WD is now fixed!
You should be able to play now.
http://www.outpostuniverse.net/wd/ (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/wd/)
1st World Domination game played!
If you would like your World Domination team changed, please forum pm me or hacker. Once your team is to your likeing and you have played your first game you may not change teams.
And I think the teams should be people who you are likly to be able to play often, so if someone is online often when you are, make sure your on the other team so your able to play them.
you changed me to blue -_-
i wanted to be red :'(
Changed Bouzip :)
Also can people give me there full gamers info before they sign up for WD, thx.
yay for WD! :)
Hope to get some games soon
I concur. I have found the lack of wd players (with hamachi) a little annoying. lol
woohoo!!! Already got 3 WD games :D
but... the outcome is another thing ....
Nice screenshots :)
Come on guys! Stop just playing normal games on IRC and play WD games !!
If you need to be added to the gamers list so you can sign up for WD, pm me!
Also you can now find the site @ wd.outpostuniverse.net (http://www.wd.outpostuniverse.net)
yep, the amount of WD games played recently seems to have fallen to.... 0!!!