Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on April 06, 2005, 07:06:43 PM
I wanna update the gamers list. So i need this info from people so i can add you:
Location, Country, Favorite/Preferred Outpost 2 color for multiplayer, When you started playing Outpost 2, Age (DoB), Connection Speed, Any Comments, Home page, If you can play online, if you can play on hamachim and an avatar if you have a personal one.
Please forum pm me with info.
List here (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/gamers.php).
wirral, Uk
dob: 30/7/1988 y not use dob then at least the list is auto up dating??? or age: 16
adsl 512/256
come an whoop my arse on op2 - its not that hard!
avatar - use the one off the forums
Yea the system auto updates age using DoB..
Started Gaming: 2000
Location: PA
Age: 18
Connection: Cable
Fav Map: Improved Pie
Hobies: Web Designed/Dj
I hope u can post all that under my name thnx.
Also use my avatar as my image. thnx.
My Aim is igor01pa email is izzy240sx@hotmail.com www is : http://nhgz.com/hosted/trance-freak/main.html (http://nhgz.com/hosted/trance-freak/main.html)
Location: TN, USA
Preferred Outpost 2 Color: Blue or Cyan
Started playing Outpost 2: 1997 (ish)
DoB: 22 Aug 1985 (That's 19 for you that don't want to figure it out)
Connection Speed: Cable
Comments: While I started playing OP2 around 6 years ago there's a gap of about 4 years where my computer would not read the disk and I didn't know about this community.
Keep em coming please! Via PM plz.
Its your responsibilty for us to have your info on the list, not ours.
Give us your info!
ok...wtf...did you forget about me lev? lol cmon do me some justice here i'll be back if i can get into a game....
ok here goes:
don't really care
oh around 1997 or so...
if you didn't know it already (none of you do) i'm in the USAF as an Air Traffic Controller...no i'm not the guy with the glowsticks moving planes....if you've ever seen the movie "pushing tin" that's what i do all day.
website: Meh my clan site (not op2 clan) (http://www.cpo-group.com)come check it out if you like
Just reminding people to PM me there info once again.
Get to it!
We have updated the gamers list.
We have included:
Can play online? - Yes/No
Can play via Hamachi? - Yes/No
Date of Birth for Age
Please people give me ALL of your info!! Most importianly is the ur location (for the flag for WD)
PM me or op2hacker via forums or irc for us to update ur info.
Thx :)
Im updating all the gamers list info.
I shall be contacting every1 on the gamers list by PM to keep this all organised.
The following list is what i need. I have most of it off everyone already, but some of the stuff needs checking and updating.
The Gamers list in action is at: http://www.outpostuniverse.net/gamers.php (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/gamers.php)
Yes i know all the pictures are messed up, i shall sort this soon.
All data is optional, and if you ever want it removing please just PM me or talk to an op in IRC.
Gamer Name:
E-mail Address:
Activity state:
Location (city/state/province/etc):
Preferred op2 playing Color:
Started Playing when:
Custom Comment:
Website URL:
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY):
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric):
Connection Speed (down/up type):
Can play normal online? (y/n)
Can play via Hamachi? (y/n)
Gamer Name: Mez
Forum Name (if differnt to gamer name): mezza
E-mail Address: mez@outpostuniverse.net
Activity state: semi-active
Country: UK (England)
Location (city/state/province/etc): Wirral (near Liverpool)
Preferred playing Color: Red
Started Playing when: 97/98
Custom Comment: Come kick my ass at op2 on IRC,
come one im not that hard!
Website URL: http://imez.tk (http://imez.tk)
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 30/07/1988
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): 0
Connection Speed (down/up type): 1024/256 ADSL
Can play normal online? (y/n) yes
Can play via Hamachi? (y/n) yes
Gamer Name: Anima-Vex AKA Anima
E-mail Address: leon2@coqui.net
Activity state: Inactive, yet IRC visiting
Country: Puerto Rico
Location (city/state/province/etc): Gurabo
Preferred op2 playing Color: Cyan
Started Playing when: A few years ago, when OP2 came out.
Custom Comment: Gimme a sec; I'm just getting everything ready... hah! Tricked!
Website URL: http://ekenkrona.com/leon2/ (http://ekenkrona.com/leon2/)
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 23/08/1990
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): ... Dunno, really. Where would PR be? It's Atlantic, I think.
Connection Speed (down/up type): ADSL. I think 256 Kbps
Can play normal online? n
Can play via Hamachi? y
Name: Harky
Location: Bracebridge, Ont, Canada
Date of Birth: Aug 8th 1987 (18)
Preferred Colour: Magenta (Orange on my OP2), Yellow, or lastly Green
Op2: First Op2 Experience 1997, First Multiplay 2000
Connection Speed: 300 kb/s Download 50kb/s Upload (DSL)
Online Info: Can Play Over Regular IP, Can Play Over Hamachi
No Avatar As of Yet....
Gamer Name: lordly_dragon aka any combo with blazer dragon hunter
E-mail Address: lordly.dragon@gmail.com
Activity state: active irc, forum ,op3 semi active gaming
Country: canada
Location (city/state/province/etc): laval and deux-montagne (parents separated quebec canada
Preferred op2 playing Color: green
Started Playing when: when op2 came out
Custom Comment: everybody just follow me and you will survive
Website URL: outpost3 project
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 12/05/1989
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): gmt -5 eastern time
Connection Speed (down/up type): ADSL. 100 kbs (mom) and cable 510 kbs (dad)
Can play normal online? y (mom and dad but more mom because dad i have to cut down the whole internet for everybody in the house)
Can play via Hamachi? y (dad)
Gamer Name: Big S, Boogeyman, The Darkest Side
E-mail Address: BigS0387@aol.com, BigS0387@hotmail.com
Activity state: active irc, just started on forum ,op2 frequently, with bro over home network, or internet, whichever
Country: United States
Location (city/state/province/etc): Dallas Center, Iowa
Preferred op2 playing Color: green
Started Playing when: about when the game came out
Custom Comment: I'm The Boogeyman, And I'm Comin To GETCHA...
Website URL: none
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 03/08/1987
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): gmt -5 eastern time
Connection Speed (down/up type): 56k, broadband somethingorother at buddy's house
Can play normal online? yes
Can play via Hamachi? no
I'll (help) update the Gamer's List if you want.
Gamer's Name: Zanco`
E-mail: Zancolagalere@hotmail.com, Zancoste@gmail.com
Activity state: Active irc, semi-active player, active on forum
Country: United States
Location: Maryland
Prefered OP2 playing colors: Magenta / Green
Starting Playing: Around 98
Custom Comment: I am the Starflare Master!
Web-site URL: http://zanco.f2g.net/ (http://zanco.f2g.net/) & http://www.zanco.outpostuniverse.net/ (http://www.zanco.outpostuniverse.net/)
Birthday: Monday March 18th 1985 @ 1:00:03 p.m. GMT
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): gmt -5 eastern time
Connection Speed (down/up type): CABLE. 4.0 to 8.0 Mbps download. Upload speed from 384Kbps to 768 Kbps.
Can play normal online? yes
Can play via Hamachi? no
Should I do one, even though I never play OP2 anymore? Or is it only for actual gamers?
You should have your info on the list, because inactive gamers are listed as inactive.
Gamer's Name: zhukant
E-mail: zhukant@gmail.com
Activity state: Active irc, inactive player, semi-active on forum
Country: United States
Location: CA
Prefered OP2 playing colors: Green/Blue
Starting Playing: Around 02
Custom Comment: My parents won't let me play OP2
Web-site URL: none
Birthday: 17/06/1990
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): gmt -8:00 Pacific time
Connection Speed (down/up type): DSL 256 whatevers/second
Can play normal online? Not IP
Can play via Hamachi? Yes
Gamer Name: phague
E-mail Address: stackerz@gmail.com
Activity state: semi-active
Country: USA
Location (city/state/province/etc): Reading, PA
Preferred op2 playing Color: blue/green
Started Playing when: 1998
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 21|02|1989
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): -5 Eastern time
Connection Speed: good ol' 56K
Can play normal online? yup
Can play via Hamachi? yup
Gamer's Name: Arklon
E-mail: saltinester @aht gmail .doht com (without the spaces, "aht", and "doht"... don't want spam bots harvesting my address)
Activity state: OP2, IRC, forums
Country: United States
Location: NC
Prefered OP2 playing colors: Yellow/Green/Orange (requires orange mod)
Starting Playing: Somewhere between 1997-1999
Web-site URL: none
Birthday: 12/02/1990
Time zone offset from GMT: Eastern Time (-5 GMT)
Connection Speed (down/up type): Cable; Down: 4749 kbps (593.6 KB/sec transfer rate); Up: 359 kbps (44.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Can play normal online? Yes, need Natfix to host
Can play via Hamachi? Only when it doesn't screw up my networking
Updated methods of being able to play.
I just played my first game in like SOOOO long...
Had some great games this weekend. Some good 3 v 2s and the like. Brought back great memories. Glad to be back with the OP2 folks. Now... who wants a spanken?
Might as well post this.
I do still have all the info that people have Pmed me to put on the Gamers list, i can't add it due to errors lagging over from the server change. Those outstanding details will get added when hacker gets round to fixing it.
Oh crap, I forgot about this totally.
Not good. I'll try to remember to look into it when I get home.
Rio de Janeiro BRA :lol:
Cyan and Blue :D
Year 2000 :D
16 year old <_<
56kb(US Robotics) and i play on ham :(
I like Land Rush and Cooperative Maps( I like Aliances but i like BLOOOOOOD! :heh: ) :find:
Good Games (thumbsup)
Seattle, WA USA
Blue or Cyan
Started playing at release
Western Pacific Time
Can play normal multiplayer and Hamachi
http://insiderguide.opu.org.uk (http://insiderguide.opu.org.uk)
Gamer name: memesad
age: 04/23/91
Location: college place, WA USA
started playing: about a year after game came out
preferred color: undesided
connection speed: wireless internet 700kb/s
Time: west pacific
multiplayer:can only play ham
Gamer name: Tramis377
age: 3/20/88
email: sabrejs@yahoo.com
activity: would be more active if i knew anyone else that plays
Location: CA USA
started playing: uhhhhh lost count
preferred color: don't really care
connection speed: im not sure...really fast cable network (WARNING: firewall can be a real b**** at times)
Time: pacific
multiplayer: couldn't figure out Hamachi and it loaded me with spyware, but im fine with normal
Well, I think my info is a little outdated on that page anyway
Gamer Name: CK9
E-mail Address: xdarkinsidex@gmail.com
Activity state: full forum active, somewhat game active
Country: USA
Location (city/state/province/etc): In this chair in California, that's all you need to know
Preferred op2 playing Color: cyan (black if we get it enabled)
Started Playing when: 1996
Custom Comment: Life and Death meet as one
Website URL: ck9.outpostuniverse.net
Birthdate (DD|MM|YYYY): 08|08|1987
Time Zone offset from GMT (GMT=0, numeric): GMT-8:00
Connection Speed (down/up type): DSL (don't know specifications)
Can play normal online? yes
Can play via Hamachi? yes
believe it or not, I actually think I figgured out how to bypass opening a port on the router...
Hi all.
Gamer Name: Chandler
IRC Name: Chandler
Email Address: cr.chandler@gmail.com
Activity State: Forums, IRC a fair bit.
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Preferred Colour: Blue
Started Playing: Years Ago
Website URL: cr.chandler.googlepages.com
Birthdate: 03 May
Time Zone Offset: +10 UTC (GMT)
Connection Speed: Cable (I think 256/128)
Play Normal Online: No
Play Hamachi Online: Yes
Edit: Finally got Chandler as my IRC name :D
No more work is being done on the gamers list as of now.