Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: novamxd on March 18, 2005, 02:40:03 PM
I have a webserver with 2.5 gigs of webspace, and 60 gig bandwidth per month. I would gladly host the full outpost 1 and 2 cds. However I do not have Outpost 1 nor 2. Well i did have Outpost 2 but the cd (due to wear and tear) is no longer readable :'( . I can open up some space so people can upload things to the site. You can see my site(s): http://www.secnem.com (http://www.secnem.com), http://www.ncorex.com (http://www.ncorex.com) (this is a domain i dont really use)
I could see about making a new domain. www.outpost3d.com maybe. not sure. I'll put another post here for the login information. Just don't upload too much. Remember its sharing the space with 2 other domains :S. I think I have... uhhh 1 gig left. But I'm also upgrading the space. Soo it should be too bad. The connection to the server is awesome too, OC64 i think, maybe higher.
get them from my site. Pls do not use a dl accelorator.
http://zigzagjoe.no-ip.com/op2/ (http://zigzagjoe.no-ip.com/op2/)
So all the Outpost 1 / 2 files are there? I would also like to have the full iso of Outpost 2 up for dl do you know where I could find one?
You dont need the op2 iso
u need op2 from www.www.outpostuniverse.net/op2dl
then u can get op2 mp3s and moies from joe
and op1 rar from joe also
u don't need the iso.
we have the all the parts which essentaily make a whole game, complete w/ music & vids.
thanks for the offer tho :)
you could at least be a mirror for major files.
and maybe you can help the community in some other way.