Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on February 16, 2005, 06:33:09 AM
Uploaded some videos of me playing Outpost 2.
There are 3 currently but I have quite a few on my comp. My main aim is to make a compliation video using in game footage and the Outpost 2 movie bits.
Anyway used rar compression for them so to unrar you need WinRAR from rarlab.com (http://www.rarlab.com)
The videos them selves use XviD video so you need to install that, get it here (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/files/XviD-1.0.3-20122004.exe).
Download them from here - Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
Nice Videos Levi
Your quick at Dominating, lol
Did you speed the videos up or are you actually clicking that fast. O_O
Im fast. Tho recording the game while playing does lag it quite a bit so i do speed it up a bit so it looks like normal speed.. maybe a bit faster, depends on how much I speed up the vid etc. But im allways fast like that. Oupost 2 is a fast game and you cant play without hotkeys. I still need to improve.
I hope you can learn from the 1v1 videos.
ok, so i clicked on the videos and a thing came up that said "choose your skin"
i did... but there are no videos haha
just wonderin how i can view them.
thanks! :op2:
muhaha... sorry about this, we moved webhost last sudnay.
i will get the files up for ya.
ok thanks :D
i am not that good yet and from what i read you are a really good player, i need to watch and learn :lol:
i have them up on my site in my sig.
2004-10-18LevVSxamlit.rar (http://zigzagjoe.no-ip.com/op2/2004-10-18LevVSxamlit.rar)
2004-10-21LevVSsorry.rar (http://zigzagjoe.no-ip.com/op2/2004-10-21LevVSsorry.rar)
2004-10-17LevlordnirVSMezMolson.rar (http://zigzagjoe.no-ip.com/op2/2004-10-17LevlordnirVSMezMolson.rar)
and they are a bit fast
hmm you guys seem to use no rare metals haha, or lev uses no rare metals
no eden??
this is a whole different ballgame from what i have been trying to play!
*runs to teh computer and tries to practice*
Ive updated my link now. But thanks Joe.
Ill try and get newbie multiplayer guides up this week.
Well Johnation usealy only when I play someone who is as good or better than me will the game go on for sometime with rare metals and stuff. Even then, if i try to get something at the start i could die. Ill put up a video of this sometime... :)
Your gonna need to learn the build order, and a few researsh orders, but there all similar, all without useless crap researsh.
And I dont play games with morale on often as I prefer plain battle games. Eden are not played in 1v1's or most games because they will get killed at the start of a game because Microwaves get upgraded before Lasers, so they get owned. Also they cant slow down attacks with stickfoams.
Pratice makes perfect.
rarely does a game last long enought for rare to be used
wow, yeah.. i have A LOT to learn
i enjoyed the videos tho, even the cool background music haha
Speaking of videos, can you upload all like the videos on the OP2 CD to the site Leviathan?
I liked those vids - esp the intro.
Nightmare dem vids can be found here:
outpostuniverse.net/dlmisc.php (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/dlmisc.php)
I am now in your debt Levi - these videos are so great. I actually remember the intro nearly word for word ;)
Updated the videos page, there are now 8 games up for download.
The main one I would suggest is Leviathan vs Paco (2).
I would of done these before but after formating my computer I have been unable to export the videos using XviD in Adobe Premiere, it just freezes! What I have did was export them using DivX with bitrate 700kb/s and then reencoding them to XviD to make the file size smaller, I would of rather of exported into XviD direcly, like I did before, but oh well.
I reencoded the 3 vids I did before, so they now are a smaller file size, the 90mb 2v2 is now 53.4mb etc.
These 8 vids are 415mb in DivX and 254mb in XviD, and 181mb compressed.
These files have NO audio, to listen to music at the same time your need to open two players. I suggest watching them while listening to ur fav tunes or Outpost 2 music (mp3s are on site for download). I have been using Winamp (http://www.winamp.org) and BS Player (http://www.bsplayer.org).
You can find them here (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/dlvideos.php).
Oh yeah, Id like to record some more videos vs people, and a good team game.
Also the latest game is on a new map which will be relesed next update, Nostalgia.
For thos I told on IRC about them, here they are!
Found another vid..
Renamed Lev vs Xam (2004-12-17) to 1 and uploaded another game played on that day, played on money pie, named 2.
Added a new video, played today. Shows Mic/Ore/Armor attack strat.
Muhahaha, you all must be warned now. Levi and Paco are evilly quick with the clicking.
You all must rush research ESGs!...somehow muhahaha Better yet, rush research Acids as Eden...oooo, I gotta try this stuff.
Okay, I'm done now.
Levi, Xam, Paco, nice games.
Levi: You need to chill on the caffine and sugared cereal man, you know you're just speeding up the process to carpal tunnel syndrome (or however you spell it) by clicking and hotkeying like that! I guess the same could go for Paco, I've never seen a game recorded on his side.
Peace out.
Added more vids:
Leviathan vs SPanther on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-24.
Leviathan vs Paco (1-3) on Enter the Dragon. Played 2005-06-24.
Leviathan vs Bouzip on Enter the Dragon. Played 2005-06-25.
Leviathan wizisi2k Sl0vi VS xamlit Sypher Stormy on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-26.
Leviathan VS xamlit (1-3) on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-26.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
More to come, Enjoy!
Added more vids:
Leviathan VS Paco (1-3) on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-27.
Leviathan VS xamlit (1-2) on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-27.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
More to come, Enjoy!
Added more vids:
Leviathan VS Paco (1-6) on Pie Chart. Played 2005-06-28.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
More to come, Enjoy!
Added more vids:
Leviathan VS Paco (1-8) on Pie Chart and Enter the Dragon. Played 2005-06-29.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
More to come, Enjoy!
Added anoh#ther vid:
Leviathan VS Bouzip on Greenhaven (Greenworld) v0.6. Played 2005-07-05.
wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos (http://www.wiki.outpostuniverse.net/Videos)
More to come, Enjoy!