Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: lethalgoose on February 13, 2005, 04:27:46 PM

Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: lethalgoose on February 13, 2005, 04:27:46 PM
I wanna play multiplayer big time since campaign is pretty dull. I wish there was an instant action mode of sorts. Anyways, I have three questions:

~Whats the best option with playing online against sum1
~How do I work that one option
~Anyone want to play me, preferably 2vs2 or 2vs1 (one guy on my side since I still dont even know completely how to play that effectivly)
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Mez on February 13, 2005, 05:47:17 PM
1) Come on irc, follow this link for a web based version: Web based irc client (http://312productions.xfir.net/etc/op2mp/irc/)
This is our chat room, so bug people here and im sure they will help you.

2)If you are behind a router then you will need to open up and forward udp ports 47777 to 47807
And apply the natfix, in the op2 folder, after you install the updated downloaded verion of op2 only 13mb here: http://www.www.outpostuniverse.net/op2dl/ (http://www.www.outpostuniverse.net/op2dl/)

Then tell people yuo want to play.

The only way to get 2vs 2 is when lots of people also want to play. i.e. you might be stuck playing some 1 vs 1's

3) come on irc and see if people are around. OPU|Leviathan & OPU|Mez are always up for a game if they are online at their keyboards
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: lethalgoose on February 13, 2005, 05:59:19 PM
Thanx, alotta stuff says you can play through IRC. How does that work?
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: BlackBox on February 13, 2005, 07:39:03 PM

47776 - 47807 UDP are the ports.

You can't play "THRU" irc, irc is just a chatting program.

We use it to organize games, where you then go to OP2 and play.
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Leviathan on February 14, 2005, 07:31:37 AM
lethalgoose has finialy got his router configed.
port fowarding didnt work but dmz did!
he is pleased :D
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Flanx on February 14, 2005, 11:50:20 AM
Now if only we could figure out why my router won't cooperate to let me in to a game.
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Leviathan on February 15, 2005, 06:38:54 AM
Flanx u gotta foward port 47800 UDP from the internet to your comp.
You do this in router setup.

For guides go here - www.portforward.com/routers.htm
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Flanx on February 15, 2005, 10:51:57 AM
Why didn't you post that link a couple months ago when we tried the first time and it didn't work? I'll pop onto IRC tonight after work and see if it works.
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Thunder1 on February 15, 2005, 09:31:39 PM
I reallllllly wish that I could play multiplayer through TCP/IP... Sadly, I still can't recieve data from the host.
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Zao on February 17, 2005, 04:32:42 AM
What time do you normally play and what time zone is that on? Cuz i was on at about 2am pacific time and no one was on.
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Leviathan on February 17, 2005, 06:50:47 AM
When evea your computer is on and online keep IRC open please.
I suggest you get NoName Script if you havent, link at top ^
Its not on a time zone lol, its a chat room.
Playing times are different from day to day. Just come on when your online and hopefully there will be someone on when you are on to play.
Normaly 11pm GMT - 3am GMT people are playing.  
Title: How Can I Play Multi With Ya'll
Post by: Leviathan on March 21, 2005, 04:44:07 AM
Updated setup guide posted:
multiplayer.htm (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/multiplayer.htm)