Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Leviathan on December 27, 2004, 06:47:25 PM
Just wondered what routers people use with port forwarding/DMZto play Oupost 2 ?
Also what is/are a good router(s) which can port foward/DMZ (enable you to play outpost 2) and which is the cheapist :)
D-Link. definently
moderately cheap (here lol) and both has DMZ and Port forwarding
Model number?
DL-604 or DI-604 that line is not applicable
I have a Microsoft MN 700.. Easy to setup..
I am DMZed.. but for some reason it doesn't seem to be forwarding like my IDENT port... dunno.
DLink's BIOS is based on Linux.
Most linksys routers can do it. (imo the best networking hardware company around, up there with D-Link and Cisco)
Netgear can do it but i've heard nasty stuff about them.
Also note that the D-Link can only forward 1 port at a time. (If you don't want to forward the 31 op2 ports, just forward 47800 UDP and that's enough to join other people's games).