Outpost Universe Forums
Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: selfdestruct on November 25, 2004, 11:37:14 PM
recent events has kept me away like wonderful work on collage (sarcastic tone). On a positive note i am learning more about graphic design for cars along with paint i am still planing a tribute painting to op2 and geting this site advertised. After careful thought i have not decied to actually mod the car after i almost made the 4wd system bug out that wasnt good i had my mechanic fix that, other than that i am excited about the paint scheme for the hopefully new car a 1998 dodge intrepid se other than i have been scracatically dropping bye but after my finals i will be here a lot more often.
so can you all fill me in on what has happened and what is going on.
well u could fill me in too, i have to study much for school, you see and im never on IRC... well... ill be on in the winter holidays. till then - happy gamin
for those who have seen me on MSN, my brother played Deus Ex on the comp.
Bah.. I'm in college and IRC is on so long as my computer is on...
Thanks for the update, selfdestruct.
we had a few good reunions and have kept playing good op2 games on irc. lots of new programing projects by people have been done.
Don't forget programming projects still in the works. Even with school, I'm managing to find a fair bit of time to figure stuff out about op2. Looks like it should lead to some useful updates in the hopefully not too distant future.
Hope to see many of you back into gaming over the upcomming break. I know I'll be there.
And yeah, can't wait to see that completed car. (thumbsup) Btw, how much is this costing you?
Bah.. I'm in college and IRC is on so long as my computer is on...
im in not college and i only have 1 computer working... i often go to competitions and have a lot of homework i guess.... i need good grades so i stay in library sometimes late enough...
is that enough? :yawn:
im happy tho i dont have homework neither tomorrow nor day after tomorrow... so expect me to be on tomorrow B)
So are most people here either in highschool or college? It seems like that was the average age group back on WON but it's been several years since then, plus I know OP has found some newer, younger fans in the years since.