Outpost Universe Forums

Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Flanx on October 31, 2004, 08:21:21 AM

Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Flanx on October 31, 2004, 08:21:21 AM
OK Well I've got the router DMZ set, I've set the port thing, and I've got the router host patch but I still can't host a game. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Tellaris on October 31, 2004, 12:29:58 PM
Even with the Natfix, its not guaranteed to work for everyone.
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: PlayingOutpost0-24 on October 31, 2004, 01:14:06 PM
i cant host either...
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Flanx on October 31, 2004, 02:28:41 PM
Speaking of the natfix (I know I mentioned it but I'd forgotten this until now) the autodetect doesn't work.
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: PlayingOutpost0-24 on October 31, 2004, 02:56:35 PM
mine works but i have a dynamic IP and i dunno in what timing interval it re-establishes connection...
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Flanx on October 31, 2004, 07:02:24 PM
I have dynamic IP on the modem side, never seen it change yet though, and I can set up the LAN side for either dynamic or static. I have a static set that I plan to use for hosting. Ideas?
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: xfir on October 31, 2004, 11:53:56 PM
Autodetect doesn't work because PHP is down (the autodetect is serverside).

Did you apply your static (external IP) in the Nat Fix (without using auto-detect)?
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Flanx on November 01, 2004, 08:49:02 AM
Yeap. I tried joining a game last night and couldn't do that either. Come to think of it I might've still had the natfix in place....Would that stop me from joining?
Title: Cable Problems
Post by: Tellaris on November 01, 2004, 05:41:36 PM
It shouldn't, it only modifies what outpost 2 detects as your external IP (which is detected as internal, it dosn't take into account routers)   As far as I know, it has nothing to do with joining...   Though, if it does, it would mean you entered the IP incorrectly...