Outpost Universe Forums

Off Topic => General Interest => Topic started by: Sirbomber on October 30, 2004, 08:13:41 AM

Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: Sirbomber on October 30, 2004, 08:13:41 AM
Has anybody else noticed that when Sierra/VU has a sequel to a game they made, and they have it made by another company, it, well, is horrible?

Outpost 1 = So-So (Made by Sierra/?)
Outpost 2 = Good (Made by Sierra/Dynamix)
Outpost 3 = Never Made (Company bought?)
STARSIEGE Tribes/Tribes 1 = Good (Sierrra/Dynamix)
Tribes 2 = VERY Good (Sierra/Dynamix)
Tribes Vengeance = Horrible (Whoever made UT2004)

I'm noticing a trend here...  <_<  
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: leeor_net on November 02, 2004, 12:03:52 AM
Info 'bout OP1 and OP3:

Outpost 1 = Aweful (Made by Sierra/Dynamix)
Outpost 3 = Never Made (Unofficial/Fan Made)

OP1 was pretty bad because it lacked a lot of the stuff SEIRRA promised in it. For instance, monorails were non-existant. And of course, multiple command centers.

Not to mention, the gameplay and dynamic of the game were not streamlined very well.

As far as OP3 is concerned, it looks to be shaping up into a pretty neat game. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

 :op2: Leeor Dicker
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: HaXtOr on November 02, 2004, 12:58:04 PM
there were too moerails in op1
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: Ezekel on November 03, 2004, 05:45:16 AM
i could get more then one CC ... but only on the same map (and i was pretty sure that you were supposed to be able to place them on new maps on the planet)

monorail- well the sprites were in my folder on my last PC as were the ones for real (tarmac+yellow central divider line) roads. - i just never found a way to build them... perhaps its only available on certain planet types or something... ... ...

then there was AIs that could autobuild the colony for you - i don't think i ever found how to access them ... ... ...

and i just wanna say that cyberstorm 1 which was great and cyberstorm2 which was rubbish aren't on there

CS1 was a sierra/dynamix but i think CS2 was without dynamix...

IMHO, sierra did the best games when it was dynamix that was developing the game
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: plymoth45 on November 03, 2004, 05:11:32 PM
Starsiege is actually also called Earthsiege 3. I have Earthsiege 2, and i find it a great game :) Made by Sierra.
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: ZeusBD on November 08, 2004, 02:56:19 PM
Outpost 3 is not just fan made. There was once an Outpost 3 being made. Sierra sold the right for the Outpost Series to another company (I forgot the name) who started producing it...who then sold it to another company that basically trashed it. I remember Ttamdude used to talk to the people that was making the game at one point when I was an assistant webmaster for him so I used to talked to him.

As of now, there probably won't ever be an official Outpost 3 game ever made, so we'll just have to stick with the fan made one's and hope that they are made properly (it would suck if they were made improperly and screwed up something in our system's wouldn't it...)

I have faith in the people making the Outpost games to do it well and make it every bit as enjoyable as Outpost 2.
Title: Has Anybody Else Noticed...
Post by: Nomi Sunrider on December 05, 2004, 03:19:29 AM
There was once an Outpost 3 being made. Sierra sold the right for the Outpost Series to another company (I forgot the name) who started producing it...who then sold it to another company that basically trashed it.
Yeah, that same thing happened to the original Middle-Earth On-line (MEO) that Sierra had in development stages.  Then Vivendi, a French company, bought out Sierra and the project was trashed because they didn't think a game based on some old fantasy books would make any money.  I have since read articles (and even seen a webpage) that say a new MEO is in the works by Sierra now that the LotR movies have successfully come out and proved Vivendi to have been grossly in the wrong.  Wouldn't it be great if they decided to make OP3?  It would need as big a success as the LotR movies to jumpstart it though, I'm afraid.