Outpost Universe Forums

Projects & Development => Outpost 2 Programming & Development => Topic started by: alice on October 25, 2004, 07:45:09 AM

Title: Um... OP2 SDK?
Post by: alice on October 25, 2004, 07:45:09 AM
Where can I get the OP2 DLL SDK?  Lol... I lost it...
Just post a link then. Thanks

(Topic stickyed and will be locked when we get a reply)
Title: Um... OP2 SDK?
Post by: BlackBox on October 25, 2004, 03:26:36 PM
You can get the current version of the DLL SDK (version 2) from here:

http://www.outpostuniverse.net/files/coding/op2_dllsdk.zip (http://www.outpostuniverse.net/files/coding/op2_dllsdk.zip)

I'll explain the layout of files within the ZIP:

Lib\ -- contains the library files you need to link to Outpost2.exe.
Multiplayer Hooville\ -- a working LoS multiplayer map, made by Hooman. (there is a lot of useful code in here! But *please* don't pass this off as your own work).
Outpost2DLL.h -- OP2 header file. Should be pretty apparent what this is for :-)

As requested, I'll close this topic.

Edit: Updated link.