Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Spiderldr on September 21, 2004, 12:58:04 PM
The more I browse here, the more I see the huge depth to what you guys are doing. Can anyone bring me up to speed on all the dowloadables and modifications are and what they do? Also a little history on the last few years would be helpful.
Spiderldr = Rick ?
whos rick?
My name is Jeff.
OPU People is a peaceful tribe of OP2 players... It works on hacking up OP2, editing its maps and creating sequels. :D :lol:
OPU People?
alright, I'll check it out.
MySequel can be seen in the link in my sig.
all newbies should report to our chat room when they are online :)
Download NoName Script IRC
some type some history lol
i came back 2 op2 in feb 2003 and made a irc channel (#Outpost2 @ QuakeNet).
op2 didnt realy make a come back untill rite after xmas 2003, that is when people started playing op2 regulary on the chat room. so we are into 9months of the new era.
but realy the era we are in now was started in June when we had our first gaming gathering event reunion tournament at #Outpost2. Around this time we had got more gamers at the channel. We launched the site a while b4 that and for the reunion we released updates. We then had a 2nd event at the end of july, again we released files. We hope to have our next event in the coming months..
Our primary goal is to get lots of people at the channel #Outpost2
www.outpostuniverse.net/irc.htm (http://www.www.outpostuniverse.net/irc.htm)
and also to make ppl have fun with maps that come at reunions? :P
Sorry to bum you guys out, but chat programs are "forbidden" on school computers. They'll let you send e-mails, but no chat. Strange, isn't it? :(
Most places are like that. Otherwise there would be a lot of background traffic slowing down the network. They tend to create traffic even when they're not used, so it's a problem if everyone has them open.
Anyways, come learn to make maps and program DLLs. :)
Come where? I'd love to learn.
irc.quakenet.org/outpost2.tutor <=== needs mIRC installed
or use any the irc webclient. conect.
/join #outpost2
/join #outpost2.lobby
/join #outpost2.tutor
tutorial dates will be annouced. by me or any other "tutors". Any questions? ask me (basic only), Hooman or hacker (well if they agree too :D)
if im IRC i can answer any questions and help u out.
im on IRC a lot :)
I can answer any questions about the map editor (I wrote the editor) and anything about dll's or making missions in general.
If you want ski11s for making the terrain (.map) talk to Levi, he does quite a good job at it. :)
Alright, I've got a couple questions.
What are the dll files and why are they associated with maps? What are the VOL files and what do thay have to do with maps?oh, and here's a personal problem.
whenever I play any new maps, it just gives me an old map with some other maps eruption qualities. It's weird.
1) The DLLs store that what happens on the map. for example... it creates uits, sets eruptions, etc. Timeline and initalization.
2) The VOLs store the game values, for example, which side has the RPG weapon, rate of fire, damage, tech trees, sounds, maps, etc.
3) Its not WEIRD. Kinda minor changes in the DLL. (see Money Pie)
You can find me on IRC as mentioned above, or PM me, or just hand around the Programming section of the forums.
The DLLs basically control how the levels work. The .map files hold the terrain (at least the way it starts up initially) and the DLL controls everything else (unit placement, triggers, victory/failure conditions, disasters, etc.). We haven't really been able to make DLLs from scratch before, so most of the "new" levels reused old DLLs that were only slightly edited. Hence the lava in strange places like the old levels. The C++ DLL template project has now matured to the point where creating new DLLs for levels is becoming a reality. But now people need to know (at least some basic) C++ programming to make them. The project looks a little scary at first since there is so much stuff defined in it, but it's not actually that hard to work with.
The VOL files are archives of files used by the game. Most of them are resources, such as recorded voices, game sounds, the novellas, maps, and more. One of the most important to the game engine other than maps.vol is sheets.vol. Sheets.vol contains all the units stats, tech trees, morale modifiers, mines values and such. It basically controls many of the parameters to the game engine. Sheets.vol is also the only VOL file using compression, so the revolver program can't extract from the orginal vol file. There is a version of it packed with already decompressed files in the file forum. You can also find revolver there. That should allow you to extract all the game resources, view/edit them, and repack them into the VOL files.
if you need help, go in IRC............contact lev for help!
yes... mostly w/ mapping, but he can help in programming too... u know editing, levi?
If you want help with programming of any sort ask me or Hooman... we've been the ones that have gotten 'hardcore' into it. (lol)
I'm not Hardcore, I've barely cracked the program for no-cd. Let alone coded DLLs.
Is the barley edited dlls the cause of the lavo going off the black(basalt?) regions and causing weird graphics?
hardcore op2 work all the way :)
Is the barley edited dlls the cause of the lavo going off the black(basalt?) regions and causing weird graphics?
Yeah, the lava flow seems to be part of the DLL. Hence reusing DLLs reuses the same lava flow, even if the map is different.
Yea, the only stuff the map controls is the size of the map, the terrain and the speed at which you can move across it (or whether you can move across it at all.. eg cliffs), and it tells op2 where to find the tile images.
Everything else is controlled by the mission DLL.
I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I'll ask it here anyway. Is there a way around or through a college firewall for TCP/IP games or is it gonna be I can only play with my friends on the inside of that wall on the weekends?
1) some firewalls have exclude ports function
2) turn it off
3) play inside the wall
for options 1) and 2) you gotta to have access to the server.
The ports are blocked, the proxy server they have doesn't let OP2 through and I'm not about to drive 10+ hours just for a network game.