Outpost Universe Forums
Outpost Series Games => Outpost 2 Multiplayer => Topic started by: Saibot on August 02, 2004, 11:26:40 AM
Hi all fine persons!
I am making a research tree for Outpost 2 (for my self) but I have a probelm - I can only find the research tree for Plymouth and I don't understand the "Full Tech Tree" and the "High Res Tech Tree" structures. Why do it not exist research for eden?
[size=8]My english is bad, I know.[/size]
the eden research tree *should be* there... or was there 3 days ago when i downloaded it
I learnd outpost by using the reshurch tree provided by sierra it was sufficent for me
Beta, how could anyone but you understand the game by looking only at a research tree? lol
B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
B)beta has a special ability: understanding games from res trees B)
B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
We don't have a high res eden research tree because eden isn't as good as plymouth in multiplayer (the game is unbalanced that way) unless you really know what you're doing with eden (like you have to build very very fast)
for example the eden laser is less powerful than the plymouth microwave (both not having any upgrades)
Btw. High Res tree is customized for high resources mode on multiplayer. (that is, we cut out researches that are already done like cybernetic teleoperation, etc)
yeah, i hate eden in single player too...
laser is not just weak, its too slow, i cant kill the passing lynx microwaves with one!
but if you have a combo of 2 parts thor and 1 part emp, eden is very strong and in single player, and most of the time in multy I have very little trouble getting to that point
The reason that there was no eden tech tree with the plymouth tech tree at the beginning was that i hadn't made them yet.
Oviously i have now made them and if there is any errors please pm me.
The 'high res' refers to you having hig resources set in a multiplayer game, as if you have low /med resources you start off with less research done giving you a disadvantage. Also no one seems to play low/med resources multiplayer games. how ever if someone wants the low/med res trees i will quite happily make them for you when i get back home on the 14/15th Aug(I'm currently in poland atmit) as i just have to add the extra bits of research.
Thanks for all infomation guys!
Do you wonder why I whanted the tree? - The reason that I wanted the tree is because that I making a graphical research tree (have you see the Civilization 2 tree? like that research tree I'm tring to make). It's nice to have on the wall. I'm almost done with all of it, I'm compose both teams research and then I'm need to have all in one map. But I'm lost of inforamtion to eden so I can't complet the tree.
I will also be gald if you cold show me a nice background in a dark light level to fit my color code for the teams.
Thanks agin, and by the way, my english is inadequat, so be cool, please.
No answer?
Any way. My tree is now done and it's hanging on the wall. It's big as an A3. Unfortaly I'm deletet the file after that i print it, NO!!!!!!!!!.
*My english sucks*
dont you have a scanner?
rofl u deleted it...
take a pic of it with a camera
I have no kamera and/or scanner. I will ask my friends if they have one of it.
It have been autodelete in a setting in the print porgram!
low/med disadvantages are a little large in my opinion... Less food, less metals, less population (biggie)