Author Topic: Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread  (Read 6645 times)

Offline Coconut Monkey

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« on: October 03, 2003, 06:10:03 AM »
Seems a thread like this has become necessary. Knux can post various updates, I can keep you updated if he happens to be too busy, and you can post any suggestions you may have.

Please keep this thread ON TOPIC. I request that the mods delete any posts that are pointless and contribute nothing to the thread.

Update away!

xfir: I second this. Therefore, knux may update away.. Also, as Coco said, moderators/admins, delete any non-knux posting. If you wish to respond, post in the topic: Respond to updates.

EDIT: knux's website is here:
« Last Edit: May 02, 2004, 05:02:42 AM by Coconut Monkey »
Minmaxing the world since '82

"Making it all make sense." - Windows 3.0 Reference Manual

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2003, 05:25:35 AM »
Good news, I have been working on the pathfinding code and it looks good. The biggest task at the moment is drawing the maps. I have to plan it by hand and then convert it to the pc. These tiles are 32x32 so they are small and take a lot of time. Especially since the maps are about 100 times that size.
More later


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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 08:16:27 PM »
(Posting via MSN Message)

Well I'm getting some help from Martyn as the programming is giving me hell. Someone STOLE my serial number from MMF and Clickteam says they wont issue me a new one, so they've cancelled my support and the program is so buggy, its really starting to piss me off. I have no invoice, as it was sent via email and my friend formatted my hard drive and I lost the last 3 years of emails.

Or summing it up:

knux is currently experiencing problems with a buggy, (supposedly) invalid MMF, so progress has halted

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2003, 06:45:25 AM »
Good news, good news. I have fixed my mmf problems for now and I can get back to the game. I will have to get a new version of mmf sometime as someone STOLE my serial number and clickteam have cancelled my support. Despite this not being my fault.

But I have been swapping code with Martyn to try and fix the problems I am having with the game. As for the terrain tiles, there are over 1600 and I doubt anyone is willing to work on them. I've been at them for months now and I'm only going to use the ones I need and discard the rest. Might make the terrain a bit simple but I think everyone won't mind.

If anyone had multimedia fusion 1.5 and is good with programming. I'd wouldn't mind your insights. Certainly would speed up the game as I am getting tired of things not working, especially since mmf is so buggy and it's really starting to annoy me.
Not need any programming language my a$$!

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 04:03:38 AM »
Oh sorry, I've been so busy that I've neglecting everything.
I've been working so hard with both jobs and being part of a new organisation.

But the good news is I've taken many people's advice and I have re-done a lot of the old graphics.
I got some small and quick help with rendering done for me and I've changed so far, all the vehicle graphics. They now are 3d.

Convecs, scouts, cargo trucks, all attack units have different and 3d style graphics.
They do look a little unusual as I have taken essentially 4 parts (2 wheel sets, body & turret) and attached them together. But you can see a real size difference between the tracked attack units and the wheeled tiny ones. This will make vtols units easier to make as I just tack on wings onto the base unit body (I should have done this in the first place).

Also the lithari units are completely different to the eden/plymouth units.

Plymouth units are currently lynx/panther/tiger
I would like to have some different names for the eden ones?
Suggestions welcome, but I would like to keep the convention of increasing size.


Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2004, 10:14:49 PM »
Arrr. It be an update yarr....

I've stopped working on the units for the moment and I am working on the terrain maps. They are almost completely drawn and I'll transfer them to the game as soon as possible. The terrain may look at little simple, but I'm not transferring all 1600+ tiles.

I won't be uploading the units for a bit as I haven't done the turrets yet. There are a lot of turrets so be patient.

(Sorry for the pirate talk but I've been watching Pirates of the Carribean)

More later, arrr....

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2004, 03:53:00 AM »
I have completed the map planning and I am transferring them to the computer now. I am also redoing the logo as I realised I don't have one.

Look out for screenshots of the new maps on the website as well as the new units to follow.

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2004, 11:37:18 PM »
I have decided to add a random event generator to Outpost 3 to make the game more interesting. Not only can workers/kids/scientist die but there can be accidents, research hickups, worker strikes, breakthroughs, missing people. All this on top of the weather, should be interesing....

Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2004, 08:43:21 PM »
Uni is almost over, just 2 more weeks and then I'm free again!

Outpost 3 has a new logo! and so do the colonies!
(This makes sense since it is a new game)

I'll add them to the site along with the new vehicles and I'll make the stuff on the site a lot easier to view.


Offline knux

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Outpost 3: Alien Worlds Update Thread
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2004, 11:46:47 PM »
Here is the new logo for Outpost 3 Alien Worlds