Author Topic: Did You Know?  (Read 17801 times)

Offline ZeusBD

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Did You Know?
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2004, 01:04:08 AM »
There was no before God, he has been forever. You can't just think of it in regards to time. Think about it, what was before the universe (if you believe in the big bang theory)? What was before anything. There is no beginning and end. How can you say that there was a beginning of time, since what was before? There has always been something there. God has been there for all this time. If there was no beginning to time then there was no beginning to God.


I never thought that this discussion about religion would turn out like this. Me and CK9 at one time just happened to say something very small and it sparked this big 'ol debate and have gone over 3 forum's and 5 or so threads
« Last Edit: April 11, 2004, 01:04:44 AM by ZeusBD »
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« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2004, 01:06:24 AM »
Well, Christians believe that God was always there. Never was created/evolved/etc.

The bible says that God never changes and nither do his standards.

But anyways Outsider, I think this belongs in the Religion and Such forum. lol. Or mabey the war and religion forum?

Man, there are so many disscussion forums now, I can't keep track!  :lol:  

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2004, 05:37:08 AM »
Well, seeing as how there is no proof of evolution, that has yet to be seen.

"The point is, that most scientists create these theories in an attempt to try and prove that God does not exist."

That's mean and an irritating thing to say  
Most scientists live for their research, they dont let simple emotions control their lifes work.
A big assumption i would say. It makes me mad hearing that.
I'll stop discussing things like these if you say something like that again. grrrr.

I for one is happy that in 100 hundred people only one of them go to church in Sweden and that the rest of Europe is rapidly losing "faith"

...and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian.... -Charles Darwin

Well, I guess we all have had choice things to say then haven't we?
There's a difference between showing a statistical value concerning the religious dividment of a country and lying Phantom.
Most scientists are above the level of letting emotions control their actions.

Also there are theories concerning what happened before the big bang and beginning/end.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2004, 05:39:51 AM by Zircon »

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2004, 05:48:54 AM »
Were you around way back in biblical times? So again everything is all theory. and Zircon, your quote:

That may be true for some of the theories but some also are direct "descendents" depending on the parent making them very hard to separate.

The evolution theory is more then a couple of words.

But yes nomatter how small a percentage it can still happen.
Religion does not provide an alternative though.

What are you talking about? Haven't you ever heard of anything in the bible or even read the first few pages? It does provide an alternative, it's called God and he created humans in his own image. Unless you can find someone who was around over 3,000 years ago, then you can't prove anything about anything.
I repeat myself over and over, try to understand that what im talking about is the theories supporting and being used by research around the world, as you say yourself the "bible" doesn't speak of genetic research, thus it cannot provide an alternative for genetic research.

Read my post again.


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« Reply #29 on: April 11, 2004, 03:02:58 PM »
There's a difference between showing a statistical value concerning the religious dividment of a country and lying Phantom.

Who says that I did not show a statistical value?

Most scientists are above the level of letting emotions control their actions.

I haven't seen it yet.

Offline Zircon

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« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2004, 03:23:28 PM »
:blink: It is now obvious that this discussion can not continue anylonger...


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« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2004, 10:12:56 PM »
Yah, this was a "Did you know" topic anyways, not a discussion about evolution, etc.

Offline ZeusBD

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« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2004, 12:49:25 PM »
Lol, anyone else got anymore "Did You Know's" to share with us?
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2004, 03:27:33 PM »
Well, I don't understand how being taller has anything to do with anything. lol.
As for fossils though, could just be an extinct specie.
Animals can be similar, but if so, then why haven't they all evolved into the same form? It just makes no sence whatsoever.
The taller thing is an adaptation:  With the advances in tecnology, man has less of a need to be small to get into areas.

as for the similarities: each branching species that is similar, yet still different evolved to adapt to their surroundings.  Why do you think a Russian Blue and a Calico look so different?
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2004, 03:46:05 PM »
I believe evolution is a bunch of BS. It can't be proven. Here are some proofs of that:
1- Radiocarbon dating isn't accurate. First of all, how can we verify that the halflife of carbon-14 is some 7400 years? radioactive decay may fluctuate as the element decays.
Also, the carbon-14 content can be changed by various environmental processes. When things decay, they can become carbonized by heat and pressure, etc. This would affect the amount of carbon in the specimen being dated.

2- Science itself contradicts evolution. The 2nd law of thermodynamics can be defined as "the entropy of the universe increases during any spontaneous process." Entropy is defined as a random dispersal of energy, in other words, chaos.
Evolution contradicts chaos by saying that as Time increases Helpful Mutations increase.

3- Science defines evolution as "helpful mutations over time give rise to new species." Most genetic mutations that happen are not helpful. For example, you can be born with a variety of genetic caused disorders (eg. Down's syndrome, sickle cell anemia, etc) due to mutations. Most mutations are anything but helpful. Mutations are totally random, and what chance do they have to produce something useful? A very small chance. That would be like using a random generator to randomly spit out letters and having the letters form a sentence. Impossible.

Offline TH300

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« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2004, 04:03:02 PM »
2- Science itself contradicts evolution. The 2nd law of thermodynamics can be defined as "the entropy of the universe increases during any spontaneous process." Entropy is defined as a random dispersal of energy, in other words, chaos.
Evolution contradicts chaos by saying that as Time increases Helpful Mutations increase.

3- Science defines evolution as "helpful mutations over time give rise to new species." Most genetic mutations that happen are not helpful. For example, you can be born with a variety of genetic caused disorders (eg. Down's syndrome, sickle cell anemia, etc) due to mutations. Most mutations are anything but helpful. Mutations are totally random, and what chance do they have to produce something useful? A very small chance. That would be like using a random generator to randomly spit out letters and having the letters form a sentence. Impossible.
2: That isn't a contradiction, if these mutations help to increase the entropy quicker. And since we heat up our planet (and the surrounding space) with airplanes, rockets etc. the entropy grows quicker.
Also it's not much a question of which type of human lives on earth, but how many humans. As I remember the population has grown much in the last centuries.

3: you're right. Most mutations aren't helpful, but in the past humans with these mutations in most cases didn't live long enaough to reproduce themselves.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2004, 05:41:15 PM »
as outsider pointed out, in the past (before medical technology) mutations that did not help resulted in the organism dieing.  The reason the Dodo no longer exists, is because it couldn't evolve in a way that helped it against it's preditors.

as for the carbon thing, they never said it could be fully relied on, that's why every reading has a +\- (some number of years)
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