...damn hit the back button accidently...
*rewrites post*
i feel that you should include an "classic mode" option (for multi/skirmish games)
it wouldn't be too hard to implement when you finish the game...
it would entail that the differences that aren't structural, vehicular or research aren't used in the game when activated.
so you would still have the VTOL and plymouth's university looking different to eden's one, but you won't have things like faster research time, or cheaper prices or higher base speeds that are unique to each side.
does this mean you are scrapping the lithari (spelling?) colony then?
while on this topic, an i dea i've had is what about making the system a bit like it is in C&C generals, where you play teh default colony in missions, but for skirmish/multi you have a choice between the default colony, or a faction/general of the colony (i dunno if you factions would work for eden and plymouth... but for the alien lithari colony, there might be different...um motherships or something... with each employing different tactics). perhaps for eden and plymouth you can call it a "battle stratagem".
PS: if your unsure what i mean in the last paragraph think of this:
lithari pirate raiders have slightly cheaper combat vehicules, but cannot build any heavy chassis (as their key to success is all about speed and surprise)
whereas the lithari grand fleet would deploy cheaper (and maybe slightly modified) aircraft at the expense of fewer research options available for their ground based units.
of course this will mean that even a default army might not have access to every unit/research/structure of that colony/race, but that is the point in choosing a faction, you trade off one strength/area in order to better another area.
Well actually your classic mode would be much harder to implement after the game as it is a core effect.
You see, when I set the parameters of the population engine, I have conditions and events. Eg if...then....etc.
Once I have set this up, to then go back and then change everything based on a different condition. You see, each frame may have upto 500 events or more. MMF can handle 10000 in a frame at once. Since I am not programming in straight code (c++, etc) MMF uses events.
When you click on a unit, just to highlight it there are at least 15 events. The ones relating to action when the mouse clicks on something, the cursor change, the unit being the current selection and the selection square appearing.
So the hard coding takes a very long time to implement. Now add about 20 structures, each with their own set of rules and then another 30 vehicles. This isn't including enemy units and other stuff in the background you don't see (morale, food, metal and research) and you have a hell of a lot of work to do.
The more events the computer has to process, the slower the game runs. So I not only have to set enough events and conditions to avoid errors. I have to keep the code efficient enough so the game doesn't run like a drunk slug.
That's why I've been trying to simplify some aspects of the game, to make the game flow better than op2, (I've been playing again recently to see what could be improved). I have found that some things just annoy me and others could be made better. This is also as there are some things I cannot program.
Pause for coffee break....