I am for Bush showing the pictures of 9-11 in his campain, yes the public does need to be reminded of what those towelhead scumbuckets did to us, I cringe whenever I see or hear about people that oppose bush, and oppose war at all costs, although I respect their right to free speach, I still think they are a bunch of whiny hippies
if they got what they wanted, it would show the world that the US is able to be attacked with no fear of of reprisel, with us going to war in Afganistan and Iraq, it shows the world the exact opposite, that we will not tolerate terrism, have you notised that once we captured sadam, Libia, Pakastan, and North Korea have wanted to begin talkes about their WMD's? That is exactly what the world needs.
but people forget that there are evil people in the world, people that have declared a relegous war against everything we hold dear, and they are willing to blow themselves up, as long as they kill us.
now I dont see how anyone who opposes Bush and the war, and thus is in a way helping the terrists, can call themselves Americans.
edit: other than the spelling errors, I think it was pretty good