Hey all - I just started playing Outpost 2 again after many years being away from it. Wow, this game has aged so well! I love that this site is up and seems to be staying active.
It's so awesome you chose to go with DocuWiki for your wiki. It is so lightweight, easy to use, and as I'm sure as the wiki devs know, is very portable (only html files). I'm particularly interested in making some updates on the Wiki - such as building descriptions, and some linking among sections. For example, If I look up a building, such as DIRT, it would be cool to have a blurb about its function. On the vehicles page, it would be nice to have a description on how to create vehicles. Otherwise, just some other additions as they come up, which I'd like to keep for my own reference, but should benefit everyone.
I'm active in digital archiving, and about to contribute a lot of software to archive.org, and with Oupost easily obtainable now to run on x64 systems, I hope there will continue to be a community of players. I'm not sure how the Wiki is set up for collaboration - I'm assuming it might be invite-only. I have experience with DocuWiki in particular and have developed and helped contribute to wikis in the past. If any wiki devs are cool with considering another contributor, let me know and I'd also be happy to share some of my previous wiki work or get a login!

BTW - I never played Multiplayer, because when I had this game originally, we didn't have a home internet connection. I've also never played Oupost I...

In the meantime - I'll catch everyone soon!