Author Topic: vcpkg vs nuget for Windows package management  (Read 4904 times)

Offline Vagabond

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vcpkg vs nuget for Windows package management
« on: January 09, 2019, 09:52:25 PM »
I managed to get OP2MapImager to compile using vcpkg to install freeimage. As I use it more, vcpkg feels a lot nicer than nuget for native C++ work. The compilation was dynamic, so included all the dlls. I'm learning about triplets in vcpkg and how to install static builds.

I was wondering if anyone had any experience good or bad using vcpkg vs nuget.

It might be nice to switch googletest from nuget to vcpkg in OP2Utility. I had an issue trying to use vcpkg for googletest in the past although I've forgotten the details.


Offline Hooman

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Re: vcpkg vs nuget for Windows package management
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 12:31:11 PM »
That could be good. I found NuGet's packages.config a bit difficult to adjust from Linux. Plus I didn't have any command line tools to install the dependencies, so it can be a fairly manual process on Linux.

I've compiled vcpkg on Linux, though haven't really used it yet. Most of the time was spent trying to figure out the compile error I was getting with Clang, only to discover the project was only really designed to compile with g++.

I noticed the nlohmann/json library had support for a number of package managers. I was looking at a few, namely vcpkg, Buckaroo, and Conan. I hadn't really come to a conclusion on what to use.