Thank you Brett for the code examples!
(I think that was the transcript that Leeor required.
I suppose we should add an example of one of the better ways to write and justify parameter lists:
void SomeRatherLongOverlyVerboseFunctionName(
int param1,
int param2
) {
// ...
The parameter list is then kept together as one unit, with consistent indentation that depends only on structure, and not on name lengths. In particular, if someone renames the function to have a different name length, you don't have to re-justify the parameters to maintain a consistent indentation, and the parameter list is not split across both sides of the screen.
Leeor, that's a good point about passing a struct reference, rather than a bunch of individual parameters. There are many cases where that's the best way to do it. I suppose it depends on context though. If the parameters would be naturally bundled together, it makes sense to exploit that. If they are not naturally bundled together, or would need to be bundled together just for this one function call, then maybe not. I'd probably prefer a long parameter list than bundling together parameters in a forced artificial way. Though certainly long parameter lists can be a sign that something about the design is not so great.
As an example, here's a method with different levels of parameter bundling:
void DrawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
void DrawRect(Point p1, Point p2, Color color);
void DrawRect(Rect rect, Color color);
void SomeMethod() {
/* Parameter meaning is not so clear at point of call */
DrawRect(5, 10, 10, 20, 30, 50, 10);
/* These two are more self documenting, without needing comments */
DrawRect(Point(5, 10), Point(10, 20), Color(30, 50, 10));
DrawRect(Rect(Point(5, 10), Point(10, 20)), Color(30, 50, 10));
On a related matter, when constructing a Rect, there is a choice of parameters, which might not be immediately clear:
/* Parameter list types are identical, so you can't have both overloads. Choose only one. */
Rect::Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
Rect::Rect(int x1, int y1, int width, int height);
/* These options are more clear, and can both be available at the same time */
Rect::Rect(Point p1, Point p2);
Rect::Rect(Point p1, Vector size);
The 80 character limit does seem a bit archaic. Even if you're using a terminal, modern systems still allow terminals of varying sizes. Granted, I default mine to 80 characters wide, so there's that. At any rate, I don't particularly mind a limit of 120 characters, or pushing past the margin just a little, but by and large, I prefer code to be largely left justified.
His comment about how people read was noteworthy. We read in columns, like newspaper articles. I've heard elsewhere, that's much easier on the eye, and takes less effort to move the eye from one line to the next without losing which line you're on. Though I suspect that's less of a problem with code, since the greatly varying lengths of most code lines already creates a visual indicator that can help your eyes track which line is which.
At any rate, I've long found these widescreen computer monitors a bit silly. I spent most of my time on the computer reading, and yeah, I prefer to read in a column, than going all the way across a wide screen monitor. I've long felt computer monitors were being expanded in the wrong direction. I'm sure widescreen is just fine for movies, but it's not what I want for reading. Curiously, I once got a monitor at work that could be swivelled 90 degrees, so it was tall rather than wide. One of the selling features was being able to see more lines of code at one time. The only problem though, was the monitor's viewing angle was not the same between top-bottom and left-right. In normal widescreen mode, it seemed fine, with a decent viewing angle to the sides, but when you rotated in 90 degrees, it had a rather narrow viewing angle to the sides, which affected color display. In the end, the lackluster viewing angle meant I never bothered to use it in tall mode. Would have been nice though.