Author Topic: Freedom of Speech  (Read 3340 times)


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Freedom of Speech
« on: May 03, 2004, 08:56:31 PM »
On Friday, the canadian government made a law which states:

If a pastor of a church teaches that Homosexuallity is wrong, he will be convicted of a hate crime and imprisoned.

If a law was made in America that supported that (Which the way things are going, it is a good possibility) what would you do?

I would, of course, keep talking about whatever I want, and they wont take me without a fight!

Offline Zircon

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Freedom of Speech
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 03:09:39 AM »
If a law was made in America that supported that (Which the way things are going, it is a good possibility) what would you do?

Short Answer (that is surely going to be misinterpreted as there is a difference between talking of a dislike/non approval and teaching it is wrong): Applause...

End of reply...
« Last Edit: May 04, 2004, 03:36:32 AM by Zircon »

Offline Luweeg64

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Freedom of Speech
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2004, 07:16:38 AM »
On Friday, the canadian government made a law which states:

If a pastor of a church teaches that Homosexuallity is wrong, he will be convicted of a hate crime and imprisoned.

If a law was made in America that supported that (Which the way things are going, it is a good possibility) what would you do?

I would, of course, keep talking about whatever I want, and they wont take me without a fight!
That's why we have our protect our rights, and if someone would that's why we have the freedom to bear rise up aganist the goverment. Because the goverment is supposed to serve us, not the other way around. Well not even serve, but protect, all this social security and welfare is a bunch of garbage.


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Freedom of Speech
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2004, 01:13:11 PM »
Exactly, and that would be an issue for another discussion. "Should We Stop Welfare?"

And here is a quote from
Cases of harassment and economic penalties imposed upon Canadian Christians who speak out against the social, medical and spiritual dangers of homosexuality are on the rise.

Note the absence of the words "Pastor" or "Leader" and "Teaching"
People are just saying what they think.

CBC News Quote:
The bill, which now requires only royal assent to become law, will add gays and lesbians to a list of groups legally protected from incitement of hatred and genocide under the Criminal Code.

Note the words "Incitement of Hatred" this means that if they even think that what you say could be used as hate speech, then they can arrest you.

And yes, this is why I also support the second ammendment of the constitution. So if a Liberal makes it against the law to have speech against homosexuality as punishable by law, I would stockpile as many weapons as I could, and I can at least recruit a hundred people to my cause, then we would dare them to arrest us.

Note, the way the law is written, even if you say "The Bible says that Homosexuality is wrong" you can go to jail.

On a compleatly unrelated note, I will be looking up scematics and plans for making the General Electric Minigun.

Offline BlackBox

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Freedom of Speech
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 02:49:54 PM »
I think convicting someone of hate crimes because they speak out against someone is a crime in itself. I would never support the law.

Whether what the "victim" stands for is morally right or not, I won't get into. But we should be allowed to speak out for something we don't stand for.

Canada is a messed up country that has no money, so what do you expect from them. I'm glad I live in the most powerful country in the world.


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Freedom of Speech
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2004, 04:49:10 PM »
Me too Hacker, me too.

I'm just saying that if there comes a day in the near future where this were to happen in the U.S., then I would be obligated to "Resist" that law to the full extent of my ability and by any means necessary.

Let's hope that day does not come.